Germany-Morocco GFMD 2017-2018
"Towards a Global Social Contract on Migration and Development”
Report of Proceedings
Overall GFMD Summit Programme
- Summit Programme (English l French)
- Brochure (EN and FR) of the Programme
- Information regarding the Eleventh GFMD Summit Meeting (5-7 Dec)
- GFMD Summit Digest (5-7 Dec) [EN]) / [FR]
- Participants List
Opening and Closing Speeches
GFMD 2018 Common Space
Roundtable Sessions
- Reporting Notes - RT 1.1
- Reporting Notes - RT 2.1
- Reporting Notes - RT 3.1
- Reporting Notes - RT 1.2
- Reporting Notes - RT 2.2
- Reporting Notes - RT 3.2
GFMD Business Mechanism
Special Session on the Future of the Forum
- Agenda of the FOF (for Heads of Delegation only)
- Presentation by the GFMD Review Co-Chairs, Amb. Esteban Conejos Jr. and Amb. Eduard Gnesa
Special Session on the Platform for Partnerships
GFMD side events
08h30 - 09h45 | Room | |
1 |
A European-African approach to Migration: how to deliver lasting solutions? - Programme EuroMedA Foundation |
Orangeraie |
2 |
A Different Way of Working: The GFMD’s Migration Laboratory as an innovative way to implement global policy frameworks on migration and development - Programme | Banner Germany, Morocco |
Oliveraie |
3 |
Global Governance of Migration: A Challenge Beyond the North-South Paradigm – Programme | Flyer | Banner French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), OCP Policy Center |
Palmeraie |
4 |
Mutuality and Migrants in Africa – Programme African Union of Mutuality |
Roseraie |
12h30 – 14h00 | ||
Special Side Event |
The Road Ahead: Coordination Challenges of Implementing the GCM – Programme German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) |
Roseraie |
17h15 – 19h15 | ||
Workshop |
Les défis et les enjeux migratoires du Maroc, entre l’Afrique et l’Europe - Programme Collectif d’Associations de Recherche et de Chercheurs Marocains en Migration Internationale |
Orangeraie |
08h30 - 09h45 | Room | |
5 |
“What role for capacity building in turning the Global Compact on Migration (GCM) into action?” – Programme | Banner | Article Moldova, ICMPD |
Orangeraie |
6 | This event has been cancelled! | Oliveraie |
7 |
Making migration a shared concern – Bridging perspectives of academia, CSOs networks, youth, and local authorities – Programme UNESCO (Morocco) |
Palmeraie |
8 |
Les Politiques migratoires au Maroc et le Pacte Mondial pour des migrations sûres, ordonnées et régulière – Programme | Concept Note (FR) | Flyer (FR) Morocco |
Roseraie |
14h00 – 15h15 | ||
9 |
Education et Migration, enjeux et défis pour le Maroc - Programme Center for Studies and research in social sciences - Morocco |
Orangeraie |
10 |
Tapping into the development potential of migrants in developing countries – Programme OECD - Development Centre, European Commission |
Oliveraie |
11 |
From Brain Drain to Brain Gain – A Compact for Skills Development and Mobility - Programme | Flyer Bertelsmann Foundation, German-Moroccan Network of Competencies (DMK e.V.) |
Palmeraie |
12 |
Safe and Dignified Return and the Economic, Social and Developmental Impact of Sustainable Reintegration - Programme | Banner Egypt, League of Arab States, IOM |
Roseraie |
Report of proceedings
Overall GFMD Summit Programme
- Programme of the Tenth GFMD Summit Meeting
- GFMD Summit Brochure
- Participants' List
- The Global Compact on Migration (GCM) at the 10th GFMD Summit
Opening Plenary Session
- Statement by Moroccan GFMD Co-Chair El Habib Nadir
- Statement by UN SRSG Louise Arbour
- Statement by UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi
- Statement by ILO Director General Guy Ryder
- Statement by UNU Chair Dr. David Malone
- Statement by Chair of GFMD CSD Wies Maas
- Statement by GFMD Business Advisory Group Chair Austin Fragomen Jr.
- Statement by Luxembourg Minister Jean Asselborn
- Statement by German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel
GFMD 2017 Roundtable Discussions
- RT Session 1.1 - Presentation by David Khoudour, Head, Migration and Skills Unit, OECD
- RT Session 1.2 - Presentation by Ms. Lígia Campos Figueiredo, Senior Advisor, Camoes Institute for Cooperation And Language, Portugal
Special Session on the Future of the Forum, 29 June
- Agenda of the Special Session on the Future of the Forum
- Statement by UN SRSG Ms. Louise Arbour
- Keynote Address by Ms. Kathleen Newland
- Report on the Special Session on the Future of the Forum
Statements during the Open Discussion
Session on the Platform for Partnerships, 29 June
- Presentation by Cécile Riallant, Programme Manager, JMDI
- Presentation by Gloria Moreno-Fontes Chammartin, Senior Specialist on Migration Policy, ILO
- Presentation by Jacqueline Weekers, Senior Migration Health Policy Advisor, IOM
Business Mechanism Meeting, 29 June
Common Space, 30 June
- Statement by the UN SRSG Ms. Louise Arbour
- Report by Ms. Wies Maas, Chair of Civil Society Days 2017
- Statement by Mr. Armand Béouindé, Mayor of Ouagadougou, Bukina Faso
- Closing Statement by Ambassador Omar Hilale, Permanent Representative of Morocco to the UN
Global Mayoral Forum on Human Mobility, Migration & Development, 26-27 June
General Contributions
GFMD Summit Side Events Side Events, 29 June
Background Paper
From vulnerability to resilience: recognising migrants as
agents of development
- RT Session 1.1. Harnessing the capital of migrants to
realise their potential (10h00 - 12h30) - RT Session 1.2. Migrants’ engagement with public
services: from basic access to co-production (14h30 - 17h00)
Regional mobility to promote transferable learning and
policy coherence
- RT Session 2.1. South-South mobility: trends, patterns and
transferable learning (10h00 - 12h30) - RT Session 2.2. Regional mobility and policy coherence to
support development (14h30 - 17h00)
Good migration governance for sustainable development
- RT Session 3.1. Aligning governance with contemporary
drivers of migration (10h00 - 12h30) - RT Session 3.2. Beyond Remittances: leveraging the
development impact and promoting the transnational engagement
of diaspora and migrants. (14h30 - 17h00)
3rd GFMD 2018 Roundtable Team Consultations - 5 September 2018
Palais des Nations
- Schedule of Roundtable Teams Consultations
- Overview of Government-led RT Teams (as of September 18)
2nd GFMD 2018 Roundtable Team Consultations - 4 May 2018
Palais des Nations
1st GFMD 2018 Roundtable Team Consultations - 6 February 2018
Palais des Nations
Background Paper
- GFMD 2017 Roundtable 1.1 Background Paper - Tools and Safeguards for Policy Coherence – Finding the right policy mix to balance different interests and objectives EN | FR | ES
- GFMD 2017 Rountdable 1.2 Background Paper - From Global Agreement to Implementation – National action plans for migration-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) EN | FR | ES
- GFMD 2017 Roundtable 2.1 Background Paper - Moving beyond emergencies – Creating development solutions to the mutual benefit of host and origin communities and displaced persons EN | FR | ES
- GFMD 2017 Roundtable 2.2 Background Paper - Fostering the development impact of returning migrants EN | FR | ES
- GFMD 2017 Roundtable 3.1 Background Paper - Raising the Global Talent Pool – Harnessing the Potential of the Private Sector for Global Skills Partnerships EN | FR | ES
- GFMD 2017 Roundtable 3.2 Background Paper - Strengthening cooperation – Enabling Civil Society Contributions in Migrant Integration EN | FR | ES
RT Session 1.1 RT Session 1.2 RT Session 2.1 RT Session 2.2 RT Session 3.1 RT Session 3.2 RT Combined SessionsReferences for GFMD 2017 Rountdables
Fourth GFMD Preparatory Meetings - 22 November 2017
4th Meeting of the GFMD Steering Group
Salle XXI, 1st Floor, Building E, Palais des Nations
4th Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum
Salle XXI, 1st Floor, Building E, Palais des Nations
- Summary Report of the 4th Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum
- Agenda of the FOF Meeting
- Statement by Prof. Dr. Parvati Nair, GMG Chair
- Statement by Mr. John Bingham, ICMC Head of Policy
Third GFMD Preparatory Meetings - 9 October 2017
3rd Meeting of the GFMD Steering Group
Salle XXIV, 1st Floor, Building E, Palais des Nations
3rd Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum
Salle XVII, 1st Floor, Building E, Palais des Nations
- Summary Report of the 3rd Friends of the Forum Meeting
- Provisional Agenda
- Third Friends of the Forum Meeting PPT Presentation
- Statement by Mr. John Bingham, ICMC Head of Policy
- Statement by Ms. Wies Maas, Chair of the GFMD Civil Society Days
Second GFMD Preparatory Meetings - 5 April 2017
2nd Meeting of the GFMD Steering Group
Room XXIV, 1st Floor, Building E, Palais des Nations
Summary Report
Conference Documents
- Provisional Agenda of the 2nd Steering Group meeting
- Summary Report of the First SG Meeting held on 1 February 2017
- Draft Contribution to the GFMD High Level Political Forum
- Terms of Reference, Global Compact on Migration Rapporteurs
- Terms of Reference, ad hoc Working Group on GFMD Communications
2nd Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum
Room XVIII, 1st Floor, Building E, Palais des Nations
Summary Report
Conference Documents
- Provisional Agenda of the 2nd Friends of the Forum meeting
- Summary Report of the First FOF Meeting held on 1 February 2017
- Concept Note and Provisional Agenda of the 6 April Dialogue on the Global Compact on Migration
- Draft Programme of the Tenth GFMD Summit (28 to 30 June, Berlin)
- Draft Programme, GFMD 2017 Common Space
- Draft Programme, GFMD Thematic Workhop on Climate Change and Human Mobility (Rabat, 24 May 2017)
- Letter Request of the People’s Global Action (PGA) to become a GFMD Observer)
Statements and Presentations
- Statement by Prof. Dr. Parvati Nair, United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM), on behalf of the GMG Chair
- PPT Presentation Background Information GFMD Mobile App
- Second Friends of the Forum Meeting PPT Presentation
Second Government Roundtable Team Preparatory Meetings on Tenth GFMD Summit Roundtables - 7 April 2017
Palais des Nations, Geneva
- Schedule of RT Second Preparatory Meetings on April 7
- RT Overview as of 12 April
- How to Upload Policies and Practices on the GFMD Platform for Partnerships Database
- Terms of Reference, RT Session Rapporteur
First GFMD Preparatory Meetings - 1 February 2017
1st Meeting of the GFMD Steering Group
Room XXIII, 1st Floor, Building E Palais des Nations, Geneva
- Summary Report of the First SG Meeting held on 1 February 2017
- Remarks by Ambassador Jorge Lomónaco, Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Switzerland
1st Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum
Room XVII, 1st Floor, Building E Palais des Nations, Geneva
Conference Documents
- Provisional Agenda 1st GFMD 2017-2018 Meeting of Friends of the Forum
- GFMD 2017-2018 Co-Chairmanship Draft Concept Paper
- Provisional Budget first year GFMD 2017-2018
- Palais des Nations Map
Statements and presentations
- Synopsis of Report of GFMD 2016 Chairmanship, by Ambassador M. Shameem Ahsan, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh
- Statement by Prof. Dr. Parvati Nair, United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM), on behalf of the GMG Chair
- Report from Civil Society - ICMC
- GFMD Business Mechanism report for 2016 and budget for 2017
First Government Roundtable Team Preparatory Meetings on Tenth GFMD Summit Roundtables - 2 February 2017
Palais des Nations, Geneva
Seventh GFMD Preparatory Meetings - 3 September 2018
7th Meeting of the GFMD Steering Group
Salle XXII, Building E, Palais des Nations
- Summary Report
- Provisional Agenda
- Briefing on Logistics and Organization Matters of the Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the GCM
7th Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum
Salle XII, Building A, Palais des Nations
- Summary Report
- Provisional Agenda
- GFMD Civil Society Statement by Mr. Stéphane Jaquemet
- 12 Civil Society Recommendations for the Future of the Forum
Sixth GFMD Preparatory Meetings - 2 May 2018
6th Meeting of the GFMD Steering Group
Salle XXII, Building E, Palais des Nations
6th Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum
Salle XXI, Building E, Palais des Nations
- Summary Report of the 6th Friends of the Forum Meeting
- Provisional Agenda
- ICMC briefing on behalf of ISC
- GFMD Civil Society Budget 2018
Fifth GFMD Preparatory Meetings - 5 February 2018
5th Meeting of the GFMD Steering Group
Salle XXIV, 1st Floor, Building E, Palais des Nations
5th Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum
Salle XVIII, 1st Floor, Building E, Palais des Nations
- Summary Report of the 5th Friends of the Forum Meeting
- Provisional Agenda
- Draft GFMD 2018 Concept Paper (as of 24 January 2018)
- Fifth Friends of the Forum Meeting PPT Presentation
- Honoring Sir Peter Sutherland, Remarks by François Fouinat
- Report from Civil Society by Mr. Stephane Jaquemet, ICMC
- Report from the GFMD Business Mechanism by Ms. Stéphanie Winet, IOE
- Presentation by Mr. Menno Bart, The Adecco Group
GFMD Thematic Workshop on Children and Youth on the Move: Implementing Sustainable Solutions - 21-22 June 2018
Atlantic Palace Resort, Agadir, Morocco
GFMD Thematic Workshop on "Labour Migration and Skills - 3 May 2018
Room XXII, Palais des Nations, Geneva
GFMD Thematic Workshop on Migration for Development: a roadmap to achieving the SDGs - 18-19 April 2018
Mohammed VI Conference Center, Skhirat, Morocco
Thematic Workshop on the GFMD contribution to the GCM (6 September 2017)
Vienna, Austria
Summary Reports
- Cluster 1: Human rights of all migrants
- Cluster 2: Addressing drivers of migration
- Cluster 3: International cooperation and governance of migration
- Cluster 4: Contributions of migrants and diasporas
- Cluster 5: Smuggling of migrants, trafficking in persons and contemporary forms of slavery
- Cluster 6: Irregular migration and regular pathway
Conference Documents
- Agenda of Thematic Workshop on GFMD's contribution to the GCM
- Logistics Note
- Cluster 1 Excerpt: Human rights of all migrants
- Cluster 2 Excerpt: Addressing drivers of migration
- Cluster 3 Excerpt: International cooperation and governance of migration
- Cluster 4 Excerpt: Contributions of migrants and diasporas
- Cluster 5 Excerpt: Smuggling of migrants, trafficking in persons and contemporary forms of slavery
- Cluster 6 Excerpt: Irregular migration and regular pathways
- Cluster 1 Speakers' Bios
- Cluster 2 Speakers' Bios
- Cluster 3 Speakers' Bios
- Cluster 4 Speakers' Bios
- Cluster 5 Speakers' Bios
- Cluster 6 Speakers' Bios
- Closing Plenary Speaker's Bio
Opening Plenary
- Statement by Dr. Götz Schmidt-Bremme, German GFMD Ambassador
- Statement by Ms. Sarah Lou Arriola, DFA Philippines Undersecretary
- Statement by Mr. Ola Henrikson, Director General for Migration and Asylum, Ministry of Justice, Sweden
Working Sessions
- Statement by Zambia on Cluster 1
- Statement by Amb. Evan Garcia, Philippines on Cluster 2
- Statement by UAE on Cluster 3
- Statement by Zambia on Cluster 5
Closing Plenary
Thematic Workshop on Climate Change and Human Mobility (24 May 2017)
Rabat, Morocco
Summary Report
Conference Documents
Statements and Presentations
Opening Plenary
- Synthesis Report by Ms. Aurélie Sgro, Project Manager, ICMPD
- Opening remarks by Mr. Md. Toufiq-ur Rahman, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh in New York, GFMD Chairmanship for 2016
- Introductory Presentation by Amb. Omar Hilale, Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nations in New York (FR)
Session 1: Understanding and Taking Action
- Presentation by Fabienne Randrianarisoa, Ministry of Environment of Madagascar
- Presentation by Ms. Dalila Gharbaoui, Research Fellow at the HUGO Observatory, University of Liège (Belgium)
Session 2: Towards Responsibility Sharing: Collaborating to Strengthen Action
- Presentation by Mr. Alte Solberg, Head of the Coordination Unit, Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD)
- Presentation by Ms. Barbara Bendandi, Policy Officer (Migration), United Nations Convention to Combat Deserti cation (UNCCD)
GFMD Dialogue on the GCM Implementation
4 September 2018, United Nations, Geneva
GFMD 2017-2018 Special Meeting on the GCM with Co-Facilitators and SRSG
19 June 2018, United Nations, Geneva
- Provisional Agenda
- PPT Presentation by Moroccan Delegation on "Migration Week"
- PPT Presentation by GFMD Moroccan Co-Chair
- Statement by Ambassador Laura Thompson, IOM DDG
GFMD Contribution to the GCM 2018
GFMD Contribution to the GCM 2017
- GFMD Thematic Recollection (2007-2017) [FR] [ES]
- GFMD Thematic Recollection (2007-2017) Executive Summary
- Comparative Overview of the GFMD Thematic Recollection and GCM Zero Draft
GFMD Thematic Workshops
Summary Reports
- Cluster 1: Human rights of all migrants
- Cluster 2: Addressing drivers of migration
- Cluster 3: International cooperation and governance of migration
- Cluster 4: Contributions of migrants and diasporas
- Cluster 5: Smuggling of migrants, trafficking in persons and contemporary forms of slavery
- Cluster 6: Irregular migration and regular pathway
Conference Documents
- Agenda of Thematic Workshop on GFMD's contribution to the GCM
- Logistics Note
- Cluster 1 Excerpt: Human rights of all migrants
- Cluster 2 Excerpt: Addressing drivers of migration
- Cluster 3 Excerpt: International cooperation and governance of migration
- Cluster 4 Excerpt: Contributions of migrants and diasporas
- Cluster 5 Excerpt: Smuggling of migrants, trafficking in persons and contemporary forms of slavery
- Cluster 6 Excerpt: Irregular migration and regular pathways
- Cluster 1 Speakers' Bios
- Cluster 2 Speakers' Bios
- Cluster 3 Speakers' Bios
- Cluster 4 Speakers' Bios
- Cluster 5 Speakers' Bios
- Cluster 6 Speakers' Bios
- Closing Plenary Speaker's Bio
Opening Plenary
- Statement by Dr. Götz Schmidt-Bremme, German GFMD Ambassador
- Statement by Ms. Sarah Lou Arriola, DFA Philippines Undersecretary
- Statement by Mr. Ola Henrikson, Director General for Migration and Asylum, Ministry of Justice, Sweden
Working Sessions
- Statement by Zambia on Cluster 1
- Statement by Amb. Evan Garcia, Philippines on Cluster 2
- Statement by UAE on Cluster 3
- Statement by Zambia on Cluster 5
Closing Plenary
Thematic Workshop on Climate Change and Human Mobility (24 May)
Summary Report
Conference Documents
Statements and Presentations
Opening Plenary
- Synthesis Report by Ms. Aurélie Sgro, Project Manager, ICMPD
- Opening remarks by Mr. Md. Toufiq-ur Rahman, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh in New York, GFMD Chairmanship for 2016
- Introductory Presentation by Amb. Omar Hilale, Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nations in New York (FR)
Session 1: Understanding and Taking Action
- Presentation by Fabienne Randrianarisoa, Ministry of Environment of Madagascar
- Presentation by Ms. Dalila Gharbaoui, Research Fellow at the HUGO Observatory, University of Liège (Belgium)
Session 2: Towards Responsibility Sharing: Collaborating to Strengthen Action
- Presentation by Mr. Alte Solberg, Head of the Coordination Unit, Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD)
- Presentation by Ms. Barbara Bendandi, Policy Officer (Migration), United Nations Convention to Combat Deserti cation (UNCCD)
GFMD Dialogues on the GCM
Summary Reports
- Summary Report of Opening and Closing Plenary Sessions
- Summary Report of Working Session I - Human Rights of All Migrants
- Summary Report of Working Session II - Contributions of Migrants and Diasporas
- Summary Report of Working Session III - Irregular Migration and Regular Pathways
Conference Documents
- Concept Note and Provisional Agenda of the 6 April Dialogue on the Global Compact on Migration
- Statement by H. E. Mr. M. Shameem Ahsan, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh
- Statement by Ambassador William Lacy Swing, Director General, IOM
- Working session 1 - GCM Cluster 1: Working session 1 Human rights of all migrants, social inclusion, cohesion, and all forms of discrimination, including racism, xenophobia and intolerance
- Working Session II - GCM Cluster 4: Contributions of migrants and diasporas to all dimensions of sustainable development, including remittances and portability of earned benefits
- Working Session III - GCM Cluster 6: Irregular migration and regular pathways, including decent work, labour mobility, recognition of skills and qualifications, and other relevant measures
- Closing Remarks by GFMD 2017-2018 Co-Chair Morocco
- Biographies of Chairs, Speakers, and Rapporteurs of Working Sessions
1st Dialogue on the GCM (2 February)
Summary Report
Conference Documents
- GFMD Dialogue on the Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration - Invitation and Agenda
- Final draft of the modalities resolution
Speeches and Presentations
- Speaking Points by Mr. Pietro Mona, Deputy Head, Global Programme Migration and Development, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland
- Presentation by Amb. Raúl Heredia, Deputy Permanent Representative of Mexico to the UNOG
- Remarks by Mr. Francois Fouinat, Senior Adviser of the SRSG
Ad hoc Working Group on 2030 Agenda and Global Compact on Migration
GFMD Side Event at 2018 HLPF - GFMD Perspective on Migration for Sustainable and Resilient Societies - 13 July 2018
German House, New York
GFMD Side Event at the High-Level Political Forum in New York, 12 July
GFMD Ten-Year Review
Ad hoc Working Group on GFMD Communications
Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Migration (Peter Sutherland)
4 April 2017 - Business Mechanism Thematic Meeting
JTI Headquarters, Geneva
- Agenda GFMD Business Mechanism Thematic meeting
- Concept Note - GFMD Business Thematic Meeting
- Concept Note - Entrepreneurship and Circular Migration
- Concept Note - Global Skills Mobility
- Concept Note - Innovations for Migrant and Refugee Access to Labour Markets
- Concept Note - Recruitment
16-17 February 2017 - 15th Coordination Meeting on International Migration
UNHQs, New York
24 January 2017 - The Fourth Ministerial Consultation of the Abu Dhabi Dialogue
GFMD Side Event - Migration and rural development: Fostering transnational partnership - 26 March 2018
Conference Room 7, UN Headquarters, New York