GFMD Contribution to the GCM 2017
- GFMD Thematic Recollection (2007-2017) [FR] [ES]
- GFMD Thematic Recollection (2007-2017) Executive Summary
- Comparative Overview of the GFMD Thematic Recollection and GCM Zero Draft
GFMD Thematic Workshops
Thematic Workshop on the GFMD contribution to the GCM (6 September)
Vienna, Austria
Summary Reports
- Cluster 1: Human rights of all migrants
- Cluster 2: Addressing drivers of migration
- Cluster 3: International cooperation and governance of migration
- Cluster 4: Contributions of migrants and diasporas
- Cluster 5: Smuggling of migrants, trafficking in persons and contemporary forms of slavery
- Cluster 6: Irregular migration and regular pathway
Conference Documents
- Agenda of Thematic Workshop on GFMD's contribution to the GCM
- Logistics Note
- Cluster 1 Excerpt: Human rights of all migrants
- Cluster 2 Excerpt: Addressing drivers of migration
- Cluster 3 Excerpt: International cooperation and governance of migration
- Cluster 4 Excerpt: Contributions of migrants and diasporas
- Cluster 5 Excerpt: Smuggling of migrants, trafficking in persons and contemporary forms of slavery
- Cluster 6 Excerpt: Irregular migration and regular pathways
- Cluster 1 Speakers' Bios
- Cluster 2 Speakers' Bios
- Cluster 3 Speakers' Bios
- Cluster 4 Speakers' Bios
- Cluster 5 Speakers' Bios
- Cluster 6 Speakers' Bios
- Closing Plenary Speaker's Bio
Opening Plenary
- Statement by Dr. Götz Schmidt-Bremme, German GFMD Ambassador
- Statement by Ms. Sarah Lou Arriola, DFA Philippines Undersecretary
- Statement by Mr. Ola Henrikson, Director General for Migration and Asylum, Ministry of Justice, Sweden
Working Sessions
- Statement by Zambia on Cluster 1
- Statement by Amb. Evan Garcia, Philippines on Cluster 2
- Statement by UAE on Cluster 3
- Statement by Zambia on Cluster 5
Closing Plenary
Thematic Workshop on Climate Change and Human Mobility (24 May)
Rabat, Morocco
Summary Report
Conference Documents
Statements and Presentations
Opening Plenary
- Synthesis Report by Ms. Aurélie Sgro, Project Manager, ICMPD
- Opening remarks by Mr. Md. Toufiq-ur Rahman, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh in New York, GFMD Chairmanship for 2016
- Introductory Presentation by Amb. Omar Hilale, Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nations in New York (FR)
Session 1: Understanding and Taking Action
- Presentation by Fabienne Randrianarisoa, Ministry of Environment of Madagascar
- Presentation by Ms. Dalila Gharbaoui, Research Fellow at the HUGO Observatory, University of Liège (Belgium)
Session 2: Towards Responsibility Sharing: Collaborating to Strengthen Action
- Presentation by Mr. Alte Solberg, Head of the Coordination Unit, Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD)
- Presentation by Ms. Barbara Bendandi, Policy Officer (Migration), United Nations Convention to Combat Deserti cation (UNCCD)
GFMD Dialogues on the GCM
2nd Dialogue on the GCM (6 April)
Palais des Nations, Geneva
Summary Reports
- Summary Report of Opening and Closing Plenary Sessions
- Summary Report of Working Session I - Human Rights of All Migrants
- Summary Report of Working Session II - Contributions of Migrants and Diasporas
- Summary Report of Working Session III - Irregular Migration and Regular Pathways
Conference Documents
- Concept Note and Provisional Agenda of the 6 April Dialogue on the Global Compact on Migration
- Statement by H. E. Mr. M. Shameem Ahsan, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh
- Statement by Ambassador William Lacy Swing, Director General, IOM
- Working session 1 - GCM Cluster 1: Working session 1 Human rights of all migrants, social inclusion, cohesion, and all forms of discrimination, including racism, xenophobia and intolerance
- Working Session II - GCM Cluster 4: Contributions of migrants and diasporas to all dimensions of sustainable development, including remittances and portability of earned benefits
- Working Session III - GCM Cluster 6: Irregular migration and regular pathways, including decent work, labour mobility, recognition of skills and qualifications, and other relevant measures
- Closing Remarks by GFMD 2017-2018 Co-Chair Morocco
- Biographies of Chairs, Speakers, and Rapporteurs of Working Sessions
1st Dialogue on the GCM (2 February)
Room XXIII, Palais des Nations, Geneva
Summary Report
Conference Documents
- GFMD Dialogue on the Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration - Invitation and Agenda
- Final draft of the modalities resolution
Speeches and Presentations
- Speaking Points by Mr. Pietro Mona, Deputy Head, Global Programme Migration and Development, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland
- Presentation by Amb. Raúl Heredia, Deputy Permanent Representative of Mexico to the UNOG
- Remarks by Mr. Francois Fouinat, Senior Adviser of the SRSG
Ad hoc Working Group on 2030 Agenda and Global Compact on Migration
GFMD Meeting: