
We are pleased to inform you about the launch of the call for nominations for the Migrants4Climate Award (M4C), an initiative of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) in partnership with the GFMD France 2022-2023 Chair and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
M4C Initiative was launched by CVF at COP27 in Egypt and this inaugural edition of the M4C Award seeks to identify dynamic initiatives led by or with migrants’ and diasporas’ involvement in the field of climate action.
Initiatives should have a strong focus on inclusion, innovation, impact and inspiration....Read more

As part of a series of GFMD thematic workshops organized by the French Chair, a full-day workshop focusing on “Climate and human mobility” was held at the French Development Agency in Paris on 28 June 2023. More than 140 representatives from the GFMD Member States and other stakeholders as well as 70 online attended.
You can watch the workshop recording on the GFMD YouTube channel: GFMD France - Thematic workshop on climate and human mobility (28 June 2023) - YouTube
Related documents are available in the 2022-2023...Read more

On 27 June 2023, the French National Museum of Immigration History welcomed more than 130 representatives from the Member States, civil society, the private sector, local authorities, youth, academics and international organizations for a full-day of discussions on culture, narratives and human mobility and a series of cultural events.
You can watch the recording of the panel discussions held within this workshop on the GFMD YouTube channel: GFMD France - Thematic workshop on culture and human mobility (27 June 2023) - YouTube...Read more

A thematic workshop dedicated to “Labour migration in the context of climate change” was held at the ILO headquarters in Geneva and online on 29 March 2023. The workshop, organized in partnership with GFMD Member States and Observers, brought together over 180 participants: over 45 Member States were represented, as well as civil society, the private sector, local authorities, youth, academics and international organizations.
You can watch the workshop recording on the GFMD YouTube channel: GFMD France - Thematic workshop on...Read more

Following the launch of the 2022-2023 GFMD dialogue, African civil society and diaspora joined forces to build momentum around the GFMD and foster greater engagement of Africa and Africans in migration processes. The Abuja Civil Society Forum, a three-day event co-organised by African civil society and diaspora was held in Abuja, Nigeria, from 30 January to 1 February 2023.
The exchanges between civil society and diasporas held during the first two days of the Forum formed the basis for the drafting of the Abuja Statement: an advocacy document outlining...Read more

Withing the GFMD project, ‘It Takes A Community’ (ITAC), the first of two expert dialogues on migration narratives took place on 28 February 2023. A virtual, multi-stakeholder dialogue between communications experts from the region, this session built on the 2020 Latin American GFMD thematic discussion on Migration Narratives by bringing practitioners working in the field of migration narratives together to take stock of diverse experiences in the region, and share information and best practices on communications on migrants and refugees in South America. Panelists discussed key...Read more

The Director General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), António Vitorino and Ambassador Jérôme Bonnafont, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations in Geneva signed an agreement on 18 January to set in place the framework for the Secretariat to provide support to the Forum.
Through this agreement, IOM renews its commitment to support the GFMD as an important platform for dialogue for experts and practitioners from national and local governments, the private sector and civil society to discuss the challenges and opportunities linked to migration...Read more

Join us for this side event organized at the French Pavilion at the COP27 in Sharm El Sheik!
Building Resilient Cities in an Age of Migration & Climate Change : A Youth Perspective
11 November 2022 4:30 - 6:00 PM (UTC+2) - French Pavilion
The event will be broadcasted live on the following channels in French and English:
...Read more

#ItTakesACommunity to make where we live feel like home! On this International Migrants Day, we’re proud to reflect on one-year of the #ItTakesACommunity campaign highlighting the many contributions migrants make to their communities. We’ve collected hundreds of stories from across the globe! Add your voice and share your own story of community solidarity by using the hashtag #ItTakesaCommunity.
How would you complete the sentence? Share your response and become part of the ‘It Takes a Community…’ campaign! https://www....Read more

An initiative to organise six international consultations on migration has been successfully concluded. The consultations, which took place as part of the UAE’s 2020 Chairmanship of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD), encompassed participation from both Anglophone and Francophone Africa, West and South Asia, East Asia, the Americas and Europe.
Over the course of two months, 856 individuals from governments, civil society, business and city administrations around the world took part in the initiative, which all took place online. The final consultation of the six...Read more