#ITAC Expert Dialogue: South American perspectives on balancing the public narrative on migrants and refugees

Withing the GFMD project, ‘It Takes A Community’ (ITAC), the first of two expert dialogues on migration narratives took place on 28 February 2023. A virtual, multi-stakeholder dialogue between communications experts from the region, this session built on the 2020 Latin American GFMD thematic discussion on Migration Narratives by bringing practitioners working in the field of migration narratives together to take stock of diverse experiences in the region, and share information and best practices on communications on migrants and refugees in South America. Panelists discussed key challenges, communications tools, and  how to create multi-stakeholder partnerships to work towards balancing the public narrative on migrants and refugees.

Actionable recommendations were also presented to support participants in the development of their own communications products or campaigns for their communities. By bringing together communications experts from states, local governments, civil society, and the private sector, this session will tap into the unique value of the ITAC campaign as a space for multi-stakeholder dialogue, engagement and collaboration.

If you have missed this dialogue and are interested in it, you may listen to the recordings in English and Spanish.

Recording in English: #ITAC in English - 28/02/2023 - Expert Dialogue on South America. - YouTube

Recording in Spanish: #ITAC - Diálogo de expertos sobre América del Sur - YouTube

More information: South American Perspectives on Balancing the Public Narrative on Migrants and Refugees | It Takes A Community



A second expert dialogue of the ITAC series will be held on 30 May 2023. The focus will be on Africa and Europe.

Stay tuned!

For additional information, please contact the GFMD Secretariat.