Migration Profiles Repository
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- The aim of the strategy of the European Union over the period 2008-2013 covered by the 10th EDF is to reduce poverty in the context of sustainable economic and human development. It is based first and foremost on the pillars set by Gabon in its Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Document (GPRSD), which was adopted in 2006. It also takes into...
- The Gambia gained independence from Britain in 1965 and became a Republic in 1971; it was one of the very few multiparty democracies in Africa at the time. A military coup in 1994 briefly interrupted the country’s democratic process, but democracy was restored in 1996 with the holding of Presidential elections followed by National Assembly...
- The 2017 Migration Profile of Georgia is the second informational and analytical document of its type elaborated in the frame of the State Commission on Migration Issues prepared according to the Medium Migration Profile (MMP) model. Its predecessor, the 2015 Migration Profile of Georgia , covered and contained statistical data and analysis of...
- Among the most popular and widely applied reports, which aims at contributing to evidence-based migration policy development, analysis, and management in the countries being the part of migratory processes, is considered to be the Migration Profile (MP). The latter was initially proposed by the European Commission in the Communication on Migration...
- Germany was mainly a country of emigration in the 19th and first half of the 20th century. Since the mid-1950s, however, Germany has become one of the most important European destinations for migrants. The recruitment of guest workers, the influx of (Spät-)Aussiedler (ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet states), as well as the...
- The Migration Profile Light has been developed in 2013 based on the feedback received from the Prague Process participating states aiming to strengthen the Prague Process Knowledge base with the useful tool consisting of state-owned migration profiles with standard and comparable data categories. In comparison to the Extended Migration Profile,...
- Ghanaian migration has increasingly become extra-regional. Although the majority of Ghanaian emigrants still stay within West Africa, a growing proportion is migrating to a diverse range of countries outside the region. According to 2008 estimates, Ghanaian migrants can be found in more than 33 countries around the world. While any Ghanaians leave...
- Ghana, the “shining star” of Africa at independence in 1957, experienced political and economic shocks that led to a deterioration of living standards. From the mid nineties, macroeconomic stability has improved considerably and Ghana’s democratic gains were impressive. At the moment, Ghana faces no external threats and plays a key stabilising...
- The MTM Interactive Map on Migration (i-Map) is an online interactive platform in support of the Mediterranean Migration Dialogue. The country profiles provide factual, non-analytical information and a series of graphs illustrating the main datasets relevant to Migration and Development in the country. The profiles give access to a plethora of...
- “Migration in Greece: A Country Profile 2008” is part of a series of migration profiles produced by IOM Budapest within the “Black Sea Consultative Process on Migration Management” project, funded from IOM’s 1035 Facility. Greece has traditionally been a sending country in terms of emigration, especially after the Second World War However, in...
- The purpose of this Country Support Strategy is to provide a framework for EU assistance programmes in Grenada under the 10th EDF. It outlines the current status of EU–Grenada relations, gives a detailed country diagnosis, summarises the Government’s development agenda, reviews past and present EC cooperation and the activities of other major...
- Guatemala es la puerta de uno de los corredores migratorios más grandes del mundo debido a su posición geográfica y características económicas. Si bien este es un país de origen, tránsito, destino y retorno de migrantes, la emigración es la tendencia dominante. Un 11% de la población guatemalteca radica en el extranjero. Muchos de los migrantes...
- Guinea Bissau is a small country of 36 000 km² and approximately 1.3 millions inhabitants (annual growth rate: 3%), wedged between Senegal and Guinea Conakry. The country has been independent since 1974 following a war of liberation which lasted around twelve years. A significant development in the country's history was the 1980 coup which severed...
- This 10th EDF Country Strategy Paper (CSP) and National Indicative Programme (NIP) for the period 2008 to 2013 articulates a strategic and programming framework to facilitate Guyana-EC cooperation on critical aspects of Guyana’s development agenda. This agenda, since 2001, has been driven by the combination of a National Development Strategy (NDS...
- This Country Strategy Paper (CSP) presents the framework which will govern EU cooperation with Haiti for the period 2008-2013. After a long period of political instability and economic decline Haiti faces important development challenges. The poverty is widespread and social indicators at are at the lowest level as compared to other countries...
- L’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) en Haiti a le plaisir de présenter le produit d’une année de recherche et de revue documentaire compilée dans cette publication intitulée « Migration en Haiti : Profil Migratoire National 2015 ». Haiti est un important pays d’origine de migrants, à la fois réguliers et irréguliers, qui...
- This Extended Migration Profile (2011) has been prepared in the framework of the “Building Migration Partnerships” initiative funded by the European Union’s Thematic Programme, which was implemented between January 2009 and June 2011. The overall objective of this initiative was to contribute to the implementation of the Joint Declaration agreed...
- The Migration Profile Light has been developed in 2013 based on the feedback received from the Prague Process participating states aiming to strengthen the Prague Process Knowledge base with the useful tool consisting of state-owned migration profiles with standard and comparable data categories. In comparison to the Extended Migration Profile,...
- Traditionally Ireland has been a country marked by a declining population and high rates of emigration. Within the last two decades this situation has reversed dramatically. Immigration has increased significantly in the context of rapid economic growth. At first, flows were driven by returning Irish emigrants, but from the early 2000s non-EU...
- In terms of area and population, Israel is quite a small country. Its national territory roughly corresponds in size to that of the US state of New Jersey and, with about seven million inhabitants, it is similarly densely populated. The amount of attention that the Middle East’s strongest economy has always attracted bears no relation to these...