
This Country Strategy Paper (CSP) presents the framework which will govern EU cooperation with Haiti for the period 2008-2013.
After a long period of political instability and economic decline Haiti faces important development challenges. The poverty is widespread and social indicators at are at the lowest level as compared to other countries. Democratically elected President R. Préval embarked on a programme to foster economic performance and improve governance. The government has adopted Strategic Growth and Poverty Reduction Document which, if duly implemented, would respond to the most pressing needs of the country.
The EC response strategy emanates from a consultative process among representatives from the Government of Haiti, the Member States represented in the country and non-state actors. This exchange, captured in a series of consultations, identified the economic and social challenges facing Haiti, analysed the programmes being implemented by other development cooperation partners, and focused on areas of comparative advantage enjoyed by the EC in its assistance programmes in the country.
The focal areas of the EC Support Strategy for Haiti will be support for the infrastructure and the governance. General budget support is foreseen to assist Government's macro-economic reforms and consolidation of the state of law. Non-focal sector support will be provided for a binational programme including local development of the Dominico-Haitian border region. In addition a Technical Cooperation Facility related to the EU-ACP/Haiti partnership is planned.
The indicative programme of EUR 291 million including the incentive tranche is broken down as follows:
Focal Sector | 60.1% or EUR 175 000 000 |
Focal Sector | 12.4% or EUR 36 000 000 |
General budget support | 16.5% or EUR 48 000 000 |
Binational programme | 4.1% or EUR 12 000 000 |
Support for NSA | 3.0% or EUR 8 800 000 |
TCF and support for the NAO office | 2.6% or EUR 7 500 000 |
Support for cultural initiatives | 1.3% or EUR 3 700 000 |
Grand Total | 100% or EUR 291 000 000 |
- Americas
- Haiti