
Ghanaian migration has increasingly become extra-regional. Although the majority of Ghanaian emigrants still stay within West Africa, a growing proportion is migrating to a diverse range of countries outside the region. According to 2008 estimates, Ghanaian migrants can be found in more than 33 countries around the world. While any Ghanaians leave for more far-reaching destinations, many of them also return either temporarily or permanently to Ghana.
Although emigration has been increasing at a faster rate than immigration, Ghana continues to be an important country of destination. According to recent census-based estimates, the migrant population constitutes more than 7 per cent of Ghana’s total population. The majority of immigrants to Ghana come from other ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) countries. In 2007, Ghana hosted the largest refugee population in the West African sub-region.
While Ghana does not have an explicit migration policy, it has introduced several initiatives to deal with specific migration issues. Ghana’s missions abroad have been tasked to devise strategies to mobilize the Ghanaian diaspora and their resources for national development and a number of concrete measures have been introduced to facilitate the return of the diaspora.
- Africa
- Ghana