Migration Profiles Repository
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- This Country Strategy Paper (CSP) presents the framework for EU cooperation with Jamaica over the period 2008-2013. The CSP is in line with the Government of Jamaica's (GoJ) national development strategy which is detailed in the Medium-Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF). The MTF is based on four pillars: 1) Maintaining macro-economic...
- The types of migration included in the profile are: immigration of foreign-born nationals and return of Jamaican nationals, emigration; the international outward and inward movement of students, visitors, refugees and asylum-seekers, and irregular migrants. The period under review is 2000–2010. Both women and men form part of long-term and short-...
- CARIM – Migration Profile The Demographic-Economic Framework of Migration The Legal Framework of Migration The Socio-Political Framework of Migration Report written by Anna di Bartolomeo, Tamirace Fakhoury and Delphine Perrin on the basis of CARIM database and publications
- This Extended Migration Profile (2011) has been prepared in the framework of the “Building Migration Partnerships” initiative funded by the European Union’s Thematic Programme, which was implemented between January 2009 and June 2011. The overall objective of this initiative was to contribute to the implementation of the Joint Declaration agreed...
- The Migration Profile Light has been developed in 2013 based on the feedback received from the Prague Process participating states aiming to strengthen the Prague Process Knowledge base with the useful tool consisting of state-owned migration profiles with standard and comparable data categories. In comparison to the Extended Migration Profile,...
- Based on the principles of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement, the government of Kenya (GoK) and the European Commission (EC) prepared the Country Strategy Paper (CSP) for 2008-2013 under the 10th European Development Fund (EDF) in close consultation with non-State actors (NSAs) and development partners, in particular EU Member States. The CSP is...
- The MTM Interactive Map on Migration (i-Map) is an online interactive platform in support of the Mediterranean Migration Dialogue. The country profiles provide factual, non-analytical information and a series of graphs illustrating the main datasets relevant to Migration and Development in the country. The profiles give access to a plethora of...
- Migration in Kenya: A Country Profile provides an overview of Kenya’s migration data, trends and the country’s legal framework and governance structures as they pertain to migration. The report also describes the impact of migration on the country’s health, environment and socioeconomic development. The report can be considered a first step...
- The purpose of this Country Strategy Paper (CSP) is to provide a framework for EC co-operation with Kiribati under the Cotonou Agreement. The framework is based on global objectives of EC-ACP co-operation, Kiribati’s own development policy, an analysis of the political and economic situation in the country, and an assessment of the past co-...
- This Extended Migration Profile (2011) has been prepared in the framework of the “Building Migration Partnerships” initiative funded by the European Union’s Thematic Programme, which was implemented between January 2009 and June 2011. The overall objective of this initiative was to contribute to the implementation of the Joint Declaration agreed...
- CARIM – Migration Profile The Demographic-Economic Framework of Migration The Legal Framework of Migration The Socio-Political Framework of Migration Report written by: Anna Di Bartolomeo, Tamirace Fakhoury and Delphine Perrin on the basis of CARIM database and publications.
- The MTM Interactive Map on Migration (i-Map) is an online interactive platform in support of the Mediterranean Migration Dialogue. The country profiles provide factual, non-analytical information and a series of graphs illustrating the main datasets relevant to Migration and Development in the country. The profiles give access to a plethora of...
- Lesotho is small, landlocked and surrounded by South Africa, the region’s largest economy. With few exploitable natural resources – diamonds, water transfer and wonderful mountain landscape with possible tourist potential – and strictly limited agricultural potential, the people have developed a strong culture of wage employment. Historically,...
- Fourteen years of civil war, brought on by marginalisation and economic collapse, ended with a Peace Agreement brokered in Accra in June 2003 and a two-year National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL). This was followed by presidential and legislature elections in late 2005 which resulted in the inauguration of the first elected female...
- CARIM – Migration Profile The Demographic-Economic Framework of Migration The Legal Framework of Migration The Socio-Political Framework of Migration Report written by: Anna Di Bartolomeo, Thiba ut Jaulin and Delphine Perrin on the basis of CARIM database and publications.
- Lithuania, the biggest of the three Baltic States, borders Latvia to the north, Belarus to the east and Poland and the Russian oblast Kaliningrad to the south. It therefore lies on the eastern border of the EU, to which it was admitted in 2004. Until it achieved independence in 1990, the country had last existed as a state between 1918 and 1940...
- Since the crisis of 2002, Madagascar has enjoyed relative political stability across the whole island. 2006 saw the start of a new electoral cycle, beginning in December with the presidential elections. To ensure that the elections took place in the best possible conditions, the international community, with the EU in the forefront, provided...
- Dans un contexte comme Madagascar, ce premier profil migratoire a permis de définir des recommandations importantes qui permettront de renforcer la compréhension et les capacités vers une meilleure collecte et gestion des données sur la migration et de faire ainsi progresser le débat au niveau national et régional. Les tendances migratoires à...
- The cooperation between the Government of Malawi and the European Commission over the period 2008-2013 will manifest itself through the alignment of support to the overriding policy objectives of the MGDS1, which was approved by the Government on 3 November 2006. The main policy objective is to create wealth through economic growth and...
- This book explores migration in Malawi and discusses the most recent trends in the numbers and types of migrants, irregular migration, Malawian diaspora and remittance flows.