- Mexico
- National Migration Institute (INM)
Type of Call for Action
Call for the participation in a “free” training course for migration officers
Target Group
The training course is for migration officers of any country in the world
GFMD Thematic Areas
Gender, Family and Children | Irregular Migration | Protection, Rights and Empowerment
Capacity Building | Family | Human Rights | Migrant Children | Reintegration | Trafficking and Smuggling
Links GFMD
This Call relates to the GFMD 2010 Roundtables on human development, irregular migration and migration and family, and builds upon the 2008 Roundtables on the protection and empowerment of migrants.
Children are at the heart of human development. Migration can place unaccompanied children and adolescents in highly vulnerable situations. In order to better protect migrant children, Mexico has set up a specialized "Corps of Child Protection Officers" and developed a training module for migration officials dealing with child rights protection:
- Mexico offers a 5-day training to migration officers of other countries.
- Mexico provides the transportation and accommodation of the trainers (4-6) free of charge.
- Other costs, such as the transportation, accommodation, translation (from Spanish) and subsistence of participants will have to be borne by the receiving government or a donor.
- The training offers a space for up to 70 persons.
- 4 trainings can be provided in 2011.
- 4 trainings can be provided in 2012.
This is a an ongoing call for action offered by the Government of Mexico. To be eligible for training in 2011/2012, interested governments are invited to communicate their interest to Mr. Oliver Bush, National Migration Institute, Mexico: obush@inami.gob.mx
Results up to date
- Since the start of the program in 2008, more than 360 Child Protection Officers have been trained and are operating in Mexico
- As part of the agreements of the Regional Conference of Immigration (CRM) the "Regional Guidelines for the Care of Unaccompanied Children and Adolescents in Cases of Repatriation" were signed in July 2009. Resulting from these guidelines, the INM trained migration officers in:
- Guatemala (2009, 2011)
- El Salvador (2009)
- Honduras (2010)
- Dominican Republic (2010)
- Since the GFMD meeting in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (November 2010), where this Platform for Partnership (PfP) Call for Action was announced addressed to all governments around the world, training has been provided to Guatemala in February. Similar trainings are scheduled to be held in Nicaragua and Costa Rica in July and August, respectively. A "backup" training will be provided to Honduras in September. Meanwhile, Panama, Chile, and Argentina have also expressed their interests to avail of the same training.
- Website National Migration Institute (INM) - http://www.inami.gob.mx
Call materials
For further information on the Mexico's model to protect unaccompanied migrant children and to download the documents, please visit the M&D Practice Profile here
Director for Inter-institutional Affairs
National Migration Institute (INM) Mexico
Tel: +52 55 5387 2465
Email: obush@inami.gob.mx