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Date Shared:
Friday, 15 September 2023
DG HOME commissioned a study to Ecorys to assess the validity of communication campaigns as an effective tool for migration management. The study presents best practices from 20 existing campaigns, and seeks to highlight ways to improve the quality...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 3: Provide accurate and timely information at all stages of migration
Objective 10: Prevent, combat and eradicate trafficking in persons in the context of international migration
Date Shared:
Friday, 15 September 2023
Decent Work is a measure to reduce poverty and inequalities in the society. This project proposed three distinct sets of interventions to promote decent work opportunities in Pakistan for vulnerable groups including Child and Bonded Labourers in...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 6: Facilitate fair and ethical recruitment and safeguard conditions that ensure decent work
Objective 15: Provide access to basic services for migrants
Date Shared:
Friday, 15 September 2023
The flagship project to build the capacities of local governments in Mexico City and Santiago to strengthen the socioeconomic integration of migrants and refugees through access to decent work, sustainable livelihoods and social dialogue.
Countries and areas:
Chile, Mexico
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 16: Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion
Date Shared:
Friday, 15 September 2023
The Kingdom of Morocco has Regional Multi-Stakeholder Working Groups on Migration and Development which bring together different regional bodies to implement roadmaps in three regions (Oriental, Souss-Massa, and Tangiers-Tetouan-Al Hoceima).
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 23: Strengthen international cooperation and global partnerships for safe, orderly and regular migration
Date Shared:
Friday, 15 September 2023
In Morocco, the National Health and Immigration Strategic Plan mandates that all migrants (documented or undocumented) have the right to access free or low-cost essential health care. This national framework is localized through regional policies...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 3: Good health and well being
Goal 4: Quality education
Goal 5: Gender equality
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 7: Address and reduce vulnerabilities in migration
Objective 15: Provide access to basic services for migrants
Objective 16: Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion
Objective 23: Strengthen international cooperation and global partnerships for safe, orderly and regular migration
Date Shared:
Friday, 15 September 2023
In Santo Domingo, Ecuador, the Cantonal Human Mobility Consultative Council was created to ensure that migrants, refugees and returnees can exercise their rights and have a voice in policymaking. The Council provides information, giving advice to...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 16: Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion
Date Shared:
Friday, 15 September 2023
In Serbia, the national and local governments are working together and across several policy areas including youth, migration, employment and education sectors. The National Employment Strategy, Economic Migration Strategy, National Youth Strategy...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 4: Quality education
Goal 5: Gender equality
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 2: Minimize the adverse drivers and structural factors that compel people to leave their country of origin
Objective 6: Facilitate fair and ethical recruitment and safeguard conditions that ensure decent work
Objective 16: Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion
Objective 18: Invest in skills development and facilitate mutual recognition of skills, qualifications and competences
Date Shared:
Friday, 15 September 2023
In Ecuador, the Organic Law on Human Mobility (LOMH) (2017) ensures the rights of people in situations of human mobility in Ecuador and of the diaspora, with clarified definitions, improved institutional coherence including between sub-national and...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 23: Strengthen international cooperation and global partnerships for safe, orderly and regular migration
Date Shared:
Friday, 15 September 2023
Guatemala is attempting to foster better migration management through the establishment of a Multisectoral Roundtable for Attention to Migration in 2021 that will promote participation, intersectoral collaboration, accountability and transparency.
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 1: End poverty
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 16: Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion
Date Shared:
Friday, 15 September 2023
The Portuguese Constitution establishes that all persons, including foreigners, have the right to comprehensive healthcare. All existing healthcare resources must be made available to the exact of each person´s needs, regardless of their economic,...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 3: Good health and well being
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 15: Provide access to basic services for migrants