- Morocco
- Switzerland
Other Partners
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
Type of Call for Action
This is a call for governments to complete a short questionnaire about the impact of Migration Profiles/Extended Migration Profiles (MP/EMP). Through this survey we hope to learn more about the extent to which MPs/EMPs have developed into a sustainable tool contributing to greater policy coherence and the mainstreaming of migration into development plans.
Target Group
Relevant government focal points that were involved in developing a national MP/EMP, or are currently implementing outcomes from a MP/EMP exercise.
GFMD Thematic Areas
Development Planning | Policy Coherence, Data and Research | Migration Management
Data | Development Strategies | Institutional Coherence | Evaluation and Impact Assessment | Evidence Base | Intergovernmental cooperation | Mainstreaming Migration into Development Planning | Policy Coherence | Research
Links to GFMD
The importance of MPs has been repeatedly stressed since the 2009 Athens GFMD. Earlier discussions led to three GFMD thematic workshops in New York, Batumi and Manila in 2011, at the initiative of the Swiss GFMD Chair, and in cooperation with other governments and relevant international organizations. 2011 thematic workshops in Chisinau,Abuja and Manila also addressed the issue of Migration Profiles.
The GFMD ad hoc WG on Policy Coherence, Data and Research has consistently advocated the use of MPs/EMPs as a tool for evidence-based policy making. The ad hoc WG on Protecting and Empowering Migrants, on the other hand, supported the thematic workshop held in Manila which looked at MPs/EMPs as a data-collection mechanism and capacity-building tool that enables governments and concerned stakeholders to provide protection especially to migrant workers in distressed conditions.
In 2011, the GFMD Platform for Partnerships featured the MPs/EMPs as a M&D Policy Tool that came out of GFMD discussions. The dedicated Migration Profiles webpage offers key information about the MP/EMP concept and methodology, as well as a Migration Profiles Repository, which contains all MPs/EMPs that have been developed to date by different stakeholders, including IOM, ICMPD, EU, CARIM, and Focus Migration. It also provides useful guidance tool and background information on MPs for stakeholders interested in developing and implementing MPs.
To take the discussions on MPs/EMPs one step higher, this PfP Call for Action was launched at the GFMD 2012 Summit working session on the Platform for Partnerships held on 22 November 2012.
The call to participate in this informal survey was endorsed by the Governments of Morocco and Switzerland, as Co -chairs of the ad hoc WG on Policy Coherence, Data and Research, at the GFMD Summit Meeting. As implementing partners, IOM and ICMPD have jointly designed the questionnaire -- which is available in 4 languages (English, French, Spanish and Russian) -- in consultation with the GFMD Support Unit which administers the GFMD Platform for Partnerships.
The GFMD Support Unit circulated the informal survey questionnaire on February 22, 2013 via email to all GFMD focal points. The questionnaire –includes descriptive questions related to, inter alia, the process, partners and implementation of the MP/EMP exercise. A second part of the survey will include in-depth interviews with select governments to focus on the impact of MPs/EMPs, determining their use and effectiveness as a tool for evaluation, capacity-building or monitoring.
The MP/EMP Survey is the first significant attempt to assess the impact of migration profiles since they were first discussed in 2005 and will hopefully identify elements for a more sophisticated and better utilized MP tool in the future.
Offline Version: English | Français | Español | Русский
(Please send the filled questionnaire to: the Platform for Partnerships at pfp@gfmd.org)
Ms. Estrella Lajom |
Dr. Frank Laczko |
Ms. Malin Frankenhaeuser |
Two Options: a) Online: Go to http://gfmd.org/mp-survey and
b) Download the questionnaire and submit to pfp@gfmd.org
Preliminary Results...
We want to recognize you!