Documents Library

Integrating Migration Policies into Development Strategies for the Benefit of All
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Protecting and Empowering Migrants for Development
Taking Action on Migration and Development - Coherence, Capacity and Cooperation
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2-5 November 2009, Athens
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8-11 November 2010, Puerto Vallarta
29 November to 2 December 2011, Geneva
Also available in: 
Tools for Evidence-based Migration and Development Policies (29 Nov - 2 Dec 2011, Geneva)
Also available in: 
Addressing Irregular Migration Through Coherent Migration and Development Strategies (29 Nov - 2 Dec 2011, Geneva)
Also available in: 
Labour Mobility and Development (29 Nov - 2 Dec 2011, Geneva)
Tools for Evidence-based Migration and Development Policies (29 Nov - 2 Dec 2011, Geneva)
Addressing Irregular Migration Through Coherent Migration and Development Strategies (29 Nov - 2 Dec 2011, Geneva)
Labour Mobility and Development (29 Nov - 2 Dec 2011, Geneva)
Protecting Migrant Domestic Workers – Enhancing their Development Potential (21‐22 Nov 2012, Port Louis)
Improving Public Perceptions of Migrants and Migration: Challenging preconceptions and shaping perceptions (21‐22 Nov 2012, Port Louis)
Factoring Migration into Development Planning (21‐22 Nov 2012, Port Louis)
Circulating Labour for Inclusive Development (21‐22 Nov 2012, Port Louis)
Also available in: 
9-11 July 2007, Brussels
Also available in: 
9-11 July 2007, Brussels
Also available in: 
27-30 October 2008, Manila