Documents Library

Cover note - New Terms of Reference for endorsement
5th Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum (11 Mar 2014, Geneva)
5th Meeting of the GFMD Steering Group (11 Mar 2014, Geneva)
Thematic Meeting 3 - Migration as an Enabler for Inclusive Social Development (20 Nov 2013, Geneva)
High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, 27 March 2013, Bali
ILO Tripartite Technical Meeting on Labour Migration, 4-8 November 2013, Geneva
Side Event on the introduction of migration in the development agenda post-2015; Global Partnership, Targets and Indicators - Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals, 10 December 2013, New York
Thematic Meeting 4 - GFMD Engagement with the Private Sector (12 Mar 2014, Geneva)
Thematic Meeting 3 - Migration as an Enabler for Inclusive Social Development (20 Nov 2013, Geneva)
Thematic Meeting 4 - GFMD Engagement with the Private Sector (12 Mar 2014, Geneva)
Thematic Meeting 4 - GFMD Engagement with the Private Sector (12 Mar 2014, Geneva)
5th Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum (11 Mar 2014, Geneva)
5th Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum (11 Mar 2014, Geneva)
5th Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum (11 Mar 2014, Geneva)
4th Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum (19 Nov 2013, Geneva)
5th Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum (11 Mar 2014, Geneva)
5th Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum (11 Mar 2014, Geneva)
5th Meeting of the GFMD Steering Group (11 Mar 2014, Geneva)
GFMD Forum Meeting, 14-16 May 2014, Stockholm
Amb Eva Åkerman Börje, Government Offices, Sweden