Documents Library

Connecting with the GFMD Government Days and Beyond
Rosangela Alfama, Ministry of Communities, Cape Verde and Seydou Keita, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mali and Monica Zanette, MTM Coordinator, ICMPD
Federico Soda, Head, Labour Migration and Human Development Division, International Organization for Migration
Also available in: 
Shaping Migration and Development Goals: Global Movement, Change on the Ground
Michele LeVoy, Chair of the Civil Society Days of the 2014 GFMD, and Director, Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM)
Also available in: 
Shaping Migration and Development Goals: Global Movement, Change on the Ground
Shaping Migration & Development Goals: global movement, change on the ground
Migrants’ social and financial remittances and their effects on health and education
Empowering migrants, their households and communities for improved protection of rights and social development outcomes