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Date Shared:
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Since the G20 Summit of 2015, France has adopted a National Plan on Remittances which seeks to: (i) facilitate remittances by reducing their costs; (ii) maximizing the value of remittances by orientating them towards sustainable and growth-...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities - 10.c on remittances costs reduction
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 19: Create conditions for migrants and diasporas to fully contribute to sustainable development in all countries
Objective 20: Promote faster, safer and cheaper transfer of remittances and foster financial inclusion of migrants
Date Shared:
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
In its 2015-2017 National Remittance Plan, the Government of Canada focused on increasing transparency and consumer protection for Canadian remitters; to this end, Canada has undertaken a national survey to better understand remittances providers’...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities - 10.c on remittances costs reduction
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 20: Promote faster, safer and cheaper transfer of remittances and foster financial inclusion of migrants
Date Shared:
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
The Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) constantly monitors the foreign exchange market and undertaking studies with the objective of fine-tuning regulation to simplify FX procedures, increase competitiveness and lower costs. BCB is also working on the...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities - 10.c on remittances costs reduction
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 20: Promote faster, safer and cheaper transfer of remittances and foster financial inclusion of migrants
Date Shared:
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Since 2018, the Belgian government is working with a network of stakeholders (migrants and diaspora groups, civil society, the National Bank) to build a better knowledge and receive some transparency on remittances sent from Belgium to the countries...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities - 10.c on remittances costs reduction
Date Shared:
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
The Central Bank of Argentina started a process in 2015 to ease foreign exchange (FX) market regulations, thereby exerting a direct and far-reaching effect on the operation of international transfers and leading to a more flexible and competitive...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities - 10.c on remittances costs reduction
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 20: Promote faster, safer and cheaper transfer of remittances and foster financial inclusion of migrants
Date Shared:
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Australia’s National Remittance Plan (NRP) aims to enable women and men to send money in a safe and cost effective way from Australia to, and within, key countries in the Indo-Pacific region. A review of Australia’s AML/CTF regime was finalised in...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities - 10.c on remittances costs reduction
Date Shared:
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Sharaka was a joint project between the government of Morocco and the EU and implemented by IOM and several other civil society organisations . Its primary aim was to provide all the necessary information and support to returning Moroccan migrants...
Countries and areas:
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 21: Cooperate in facilitating safe and dignified return and readmission, as well as sustainable reintegration
Objective 23: Strengthen international cooperation and global partnerships for safe, orderly and regular migration
Date Shared:
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
The main function of the Employment and Labour Sector (ELS) within the SADC (Southern African Development Community) Secretariat is to facilitate and coordinate the development, harmonisation, and monitoring of the implementation of policies and...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth - 8.8 on labor rights for migrant workers
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 6: Facilitate fair and ethical recruitment and safeguard conditions that ensure decent work
Objective 23: Strengthen international cooperation and global partnerships for safe, orderly and regular migration
Date Shared:
Monday, 24 September 2018
The ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labour (AFML) is a regional tripartite platform to discuss issues faced by women and men migrant workers from and within ASEAN. The annual AFML is an open platform for review, discussion and exchange of good practices and...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth - 8.8 on labor rights for migrant workers
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 6: Facilitate fair and ethical recruitment and safeguard conditions that ensure decent work
Objective 23: Strengthen international cooperation and global partnerships for safe, orderly and regular migration
Date Shared:
Monday, 24 September 2018
The ILMS Database is the first of its kind in the region. It gathers together official government data from a number of statistical sources on international migrant workers’ stocks and flows within the region as well as on countries’ nationals...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 1: Collect and utilize accurate and disaggregated data as a basis for evidence-based policies