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Date Shared:
Friday, 11 October 2019
The city of Atlanta in the USA has undertaken to provide free transportation to refugees for their legal and medical appointments. In Atlanta, as well as some other cities in the USA, private company Lyft has also offered transportation grants to a...
Countries and areas:
United States
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 15: Provide access to basic services for migrants
Date Shared:
Friday, 11 October 2019
In order to absorb sudden influxes of refugees arriving to Lebanon, the city of Brital developed coordination mechanisms with both local and international partners to establish reception and ongoing support services. Despite the absence of a public...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 12: Strengthen certainty and predictability in migration procedures for appropriate screening, assessment and referral
Objective 15: Provide access to basic services for migrants
Objective 23: Strengthen international cooperation and global partnerships for safe, orderly and regular migration
Date Shared:
Friday, 11 October 2019
The city of Montreal in Canada has a pro-active strategy to make the most of diversity through the appointment of diversity managers who support initiatives to increase diversity in public services notably in the police forces and municipal boards.
Countries and areas:
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 16: Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion
Date Shared:
Friday, 11 October 2019
The City of Oujda has created a Municipal Action Plan that includes migration and migrants as one of its six strategic axes, together with Local Governance, Partnership and Decentralized Cooperation, Basic Infrastructures and Proximity Facilities,...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 12: Strengthen certainty and predictability in migration procedures for appropriate screening, assessment and referral
Objective 16: Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion
Objective 19: Create conditions for migrants and diasporas to fully contribute to sustainable development in all countries
Date Shared:
Friday, 11 October 2019
Integration is supported in Morocco within the framework the migration projects RECOMIG (‘Strengthening selected municipalities in the management of migration’) / RECOSA (Renforcement des collectivités territoriales marocaines dans l’amélioration...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 16: Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion
Objective 23: Strengthen international cooperation and global partnerships for safe, orderly and regular migration
Date Shared:
Friday, 11 October 2019
My.Coop is a project of building capacity of cooperatives towards involving Syrian refugees and Jordanian farmers in agricultural value chains. The project promotes integration and participation of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians in...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Targets that contribute to employment or employment creation
Targets that could benefit from the potential of migration and migrants
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 6: Facilitate fair and ethical recruitment and safeguard conditions that ensure decent work
Objective 19: Create conditions for migrants and diasporas to fully contribute to sustainable development in all countries
Date Shared:
Friday, 11 October 2019
PostBank Uganda, in partnership with Posta Uganda and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), is finalizing its remittances business plan and expanding financial inclusion through remittances in rural areas of Uganda, leveraging...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities - 10.c on remittances costs reduction
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 20: Promote faster, safer and cheaper transfer of remittances and foster financial inclusion of migrants
Date Shared:
Friday, 11 October 2019
The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)'s rural youth employement and agri-food systems in Ugrana project aims to foster diaspora investments in agricultural value chains in Uganda, by assessing and supporting institutional mechanisms, mapping...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Targets that contribute to employment or employment creation
Targets that could benefit from the potential of migration and migrants
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 2: Minimize the adverse drivers and structural factors that compel people to leave their country of origin
Objective 19: Create conditions for migrants and diasporas to fully contribute to sustainable development in all countries
Date Shared:
Friday, 11 October 2019
Nepal in 2018 introduced a social security scheme to protect and secure employees working in the formal private sector. The contribution-based social security scheme is funded through the contributions made by the workers and the employers. Every...
Countries and areas:
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 21: Cooperate in facilitating safe and dignified return and readmission, as well as sustainable reintegration
Objective 22: Establish mechanisms for the portability of social security entitlements and earned benefits
Date Shared:
Friday, 11 October 2019
Remit Hydro, a subsidiary of the government company Hydro Electricity Investment and Development Company Limited (HIDCL), is a concept for the development of hydropower sector in Nepal. A part of the remittance money the country is receiving will be...
Countries and areas:
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities - 10.c on remittances costs reduction
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 19: Create conditions for migrants and diasporas to fully contribute to sustainable development in all countries
Objective 20: Promote faster, safer and cheaper transfer of remittances and foster financial inclusion of migrants