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Immigrant Professionals Fellowship

Date Shared: 
Friday, July 7, 2023 - 16:09
Countries and areas: 
United States
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels: 
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas: 
Objective 1: Collect and utilize accurate and disaggregated data as a basis for evidence-based policies
Objective 3: Provide accurate and timely information at all stages of migration
Objective 4: Ensure that all migrants have proof of legal identity and adequate documentation
Objective 5: Enhance availability and flexibility of pathways for regular migration
Objective 6: Facilitate fair and ethical recruitment and safeguard conditions that ensure decent work
Objective 7: Address and reduce vulnerabilities in migration
Objective 15: Provide access to basic services for migrants
Objective 16: Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion
Civil Society
France 2022-2023
Geographical Relevance: 
Brain Drain and Brain Gain, Capacity Building, Children and Youth, Connectivity and Migration, Decent Work, Diaspora Empowerment and Engagement