Prague Process Action Plan 2023-2027
Date Shared:
Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 15:40
Countries and areas:
Czech Republic, Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kosovo*(References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of UNSC resolution 1244(1999)
2030 Agenda migration-relevant and related target Labels:
Targets that could benefit from the potential of migration and migrants
GCM Thematic Cluster Areas:
Objective 1: Collect and utilize accurate and disaggregated data as a basis for evidence-based policies
International Organizations
Regional Consultative Processes and International Regional Fora
France 2022-2023
Geographical Relevance: