The Call has been submitted by:
- The Netherlands
- Switzerland
- Mexico
The project is implemented by:
- The International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Migration Policy Institute (MPI)
Type of Call for Action
Call for information
Target Group
Governmental and local policy makers and practitioners dealing with Diaspora Affairs
Thematic Areas
Capacity Building | Diaspora policy | Mainstreaming Migration into Development Planning
Links GFMD
The development of a handbook was proposed during GFMD 2009 - Roundtable 1.2 on "Engaging diasporas and migrants in development policies and programs - Their role? Their constraints?" and builds upon earlier roundtables in 2007 (RT 2.4) and 2008 (RT 1.2) on engaging diaspora.
We invite you to participate in the project Developing a Handbook on Engaging Diaspora in Development: Activities in Host and Home Countries. As part of this project, IOM and MPI are conducting a two-part survey among governments participating at the GFMD. The goal of the survey is to identify the extent and types of existing diaspora programs and policies at national and local levels. The information collected in this survey will be used in creating a user-friendly, practical handbook for policy makers and practitioners who are interested in developing and consolidating their diaspora initiatives.
The survey is composed of two parts:
- Part 1 [ FR | ES ] aims to identify government institutions at various levels (i.e. ministry, sub-ministry, national, local) that actively engage with members of the diaspora. Part I has been sent to all National GFMD Focal Point and is posted here on the PfP.
- Part 2 [ FR | ES ] aims to map the extent and types of existing diaspora engagement programs and/or policies on various government levels and to identify good practices, key challenges and lessons learned. Part II has been sent to specific institutions identified in Part 1 of the survey and is posted here on the PfP.
Completed survey can be sent to: diaspora.survey@iom.int
60 countries responded to the survey part I. Based on their answers a Diaspora Contacts Points Directory has been created, with over 415 government institutions and NGOs actively engaged with members of the diaspora. The Directory can be downloaded from the PfP. Almost 40 institutions have returned the survey part II.
Call materials
- Survey Part I: Identifying government institutions that engage with members of the diaspora. [ FR | ES ]
- Survey Part II: Identifying existing diaspora engagement programs/policies, good practices, key challenges and lessons learned. [ FR | ES ]
Other information
- For further information on the Handbook on Engaging Diaspora in Development Activities, please visit its M&D Practice Profile here
- Diaspora Contact Points Directory
AGUNIAS, Dovelyn Rannveig |
LACZKO, Frank |