Type of Call for Action
This is a call for participation and funding addressed to governments who are interested in:
- mainstreaming migration into their national development planning;
- mainstreaming migration concerns into their development cooperation, or integrating development concerns into their migration policies/mobility partnerships;
- providing financial or in-kind support for migration mainstreaming processes in partner countries.
Target Group
Governments and their partners in the UN country team
GFMD Thematic Areas
Policy Coherence, Data and Research
Mainstreaming Migration into Development Planning | Policy Coherence
Links GFMD
This call gives countries a chance to provide practical follow-up to the GFMD’s discussions on the topic of "Integrating Migration Policies into Development Strategies for the Benefit of All" (the theme of the 2009 GFMD), which has been an integral part of its agenda over the last years.
At the 2010 GFMD in Mexico, States endorsed the GMG Handbook on Mainstreaming Migration into Development Planning as a useful tool.
The 2011 GFMD promoted the practical application of the GMG Handbook and other planning tools, such as Migration Profiles, including through a thematic workshop entitled “Mainstreaming migration into strategic policy development”, hosted by the Government of Moldova. The outcomes of the 2011 GFMD Concluding Debate called on the GMG to raise awareness on the Handbook and to share the progress and results of this pilot project with the GFMD.
The GFMD Working Group on Policy Coherence, Data and Research has also given ongoing attention to the topic of mainstreaming migration into development planning.
Drawing on this work and previous GFMD discussions, Mauritius, as the Chair-in-Office of the 2012 GFMD has made the topic of migration mainstreaming a prominent concern of this year’s agenda, with Roundtable 2 focusing specifically on the theme of “Factoring migration into development planning.” A preparatory workshop for this roundtable was held in Mauritius on 12-13 June 2012, informed among other by the experience of the pilot countries.
The call is for governments to join the pilot project on “Mainstreaming migration into development planning” either as a participating country that wants to undertake a migration mainstreaming exercise, or as a donor country willing to support migration mainstreaming in partner countries. Please find a detailed description of the current pilot project under “supporting documents”. Interested governments are invited to contact Mr. Shabarinath Nair at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) (shabarinath.nair@deza.admin.ch; Tel.: +41 31 323 13 60 / Mob: +41 76 744 2635) for further information.
Supporting documents / materials
- GMG handbook on mainstreaming migration into development planning
- Pilot project document – mainstreaming migration into national development strategies
- Pilot project presentation (ppt)
- Country project documents & presentations (ppt)
- Summary report – Moldova thematic meeting
- Summary report – Geneva informal meeting
- Summary report – Mauritius workshop
Mr. Shabarinath Nair
Programme Officer
International Dialogue on Migration and Development
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 31 323 13 60 /
Mob: +41 76 744 2635 / +41 79 512 8766
Email: shabarinath.nair@deza.admin.ch