Implementing organizations
- European Commission
- OECD Development Centre
- International Labour Organization
More than a third of the world migration flows take place between developing countries (the so called "south-south migration") and half of emigrants from developing countries actually head to another developing country. Those migrants are mainly labour migrants. While most developing countries of destination are middle-income countries, some low-income countries also receive a substantial number of immigrants. Migration has an increasing weight in the development of these countries of destination. Nonetheless, a number of developing countries lack awareness of the synergies and interdependencies between migration, economic and other policies and very few have developed and implemented appropriate migration policy frameworks. Therefore, there is a need to better understand the economic contribution of migrant workers to feed the design of evidence-based labour and migration policies, as well as other public policies concerned with immigration, and to improve migration management to support growth and development in countries of destination in the developing world.
Type of Call for Action
This is a call for low and middle-income countries to participate in a new project on “Assessing the Economic Contribution of Labour Migration in Developing Countries as Countries of Destination”. The main objective is to have a reliable and evidence-based understanding of the economic contribution of labour immigration in the partner countries, including (i) the contribution to GDP and growth; (ii) the impact on the labour market and (iii) the impact on public finances and social services.
Target Group
Partner countries should come from different regions of the world along the following criteria:
- Interest and willingness to contribute as partners expressed by the relevant authorities;
- Level of income: both low and middle-income countries;
- Weight of immigration in the population: preferably net immigration countries or at least a substantial share of immigrants in the total population;
- Share of refugees among the population of immigrants: not higher than 50%;
- Availability of survey based or administrative data to facilitate the analysis.
GFMD Thematic Areas
Data and research; Labour Migration and Mobility
Links to GFMD
This call is an opportunity to participate in strengthening the evidence-based analysis of the economic contribution of immigrants in developing countries as countries of destinations, while allowing for international cross-country comparisons. This is in line with the aims of the current Swedish GFMD chairmanship, which has given priority to evidence-based outcomes and recommendations within the framework of migration and development discussions.
The Assessing the Economic Contribution of Labour Migration in Developing Countries as Countries of Destination project will specifically:
- Develop a methodology enabling the identification and assessment of impacts of migration in developing countries as countries of destination, in close co-operation with national authorities and social partners.
- Apply the methodology in – and with – a number of partner countries to measure concretely the contribution of labour migration to their economy.
- Gather the results obtained in all partner countries and draw conclusions on the economic contribution of labour migration in developing countries as countries of destination as well as recommendations in view of using the results for policy development.
Hélène Bourgade |
David Khoudour
OECD Development Centre |
Michelle Leighton