Michele Klein Solomon is Director, Policy Hub, Office of the Director General, at the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The Policy Hub is designed to draw together, and deliver, policy knowledge across the Organization. The Hub is a catalyst to promote effective collection, analysis, and exchange of policy-relevant data and knowledge, and to facilitate strategic migration policy advice based on expertise from across IOM.
She previously was Director, Global Compact for Migration at IOM, leading IOM’s support to States and partners in the development and implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.
From 2014 to 2016, she directed the Secretariat of the state-led Migrants in Countries in Crisis Initiative. Ms. Klein Solomon was IOM’s representative to the United Nations from 2010-2014, and previous Director of IOM’s Migration Policy and Research Department.
She provides advice to governments in all regions of the world and to regional, intergovernmental and non-governmental entities on a wide range of migration policy matters