Report of Proceedings
- Report of the GFMD 2014-2015 Turkish Chairmanship [ES] [FR]
- Report on Outcomes of Roundtable 1 by Undersecretary Gabriel Bentoglio Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, Holy See
- Report on Outcomes of Roundtable 2 by Ambassador Eva Åkerman Börje, Ministry of Justice, Sweden
- Report on Outcomes of Roundtable 3 by Undersecretary Ciriaco A. Lagunzad III, Department of Labour and Employment, Philippines
- Report on Special Session of the Future of the Forum
- Report on Special Session of the Platform for Partnerships
- Programme
- Information Note for Participants
- Note d'information aux participants (French)
- Agenda - Future of the Forum
- Common Space Agenda
- Agenda - Platform for Partnerships (PfP)
- Final List of Participants
Roundtables Background Papers in English, French, and Spanish
Roundtable 1.1 [ EN | ES | FR ]
Partnerships to promote inclusion and protect the human rights of all migrants in order to achieve the full benefits of migration -
Roundtable 1.2 [ EN | ES| FR ]
Reducing the human and financial costs of international migration, particularly labour migration: Cooperative approaches to fair recruitment practices and lower remittance fees -
Roundtable 2.1 [ EN | ES | FR ]
Mainstreaming migration into planning at the sectoral level -
Roundtable 2.2 [ EN | ES | FR ]
Migration in the context of the 2030 Development Agenda – Implementing a diverse and cross-cutting issue through follow-up and review -
Roundtable 3.1 [ EN | ES | FR ]
International cooperation and responsibility sharing to enhance human development and human security for people forcibly displaced across international borders -
Roundtable 3.2 [ EN | ES | FR ]
Private sector-Government Partnerships to support migrant/diaspora entrepreneurship and job creation, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises
Speeches - Day 1 - Opening Ceremony
- Welcome Address - H.E. Feridun Sinirlioğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, Chair of the GFMD
- Opening speech - H.E. Ahmet Davutoğlu, Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey
- Keynote Speech - H.E. Jan Eliasson UN Deputy Secretary General
- Speech by H.E. António Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Refugees
- Speech by H.E. Dimitris Avramopoulos, EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship
- Speech by H.E. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser UN Alliance Of Civilizations High Representative
- Report from the Civil Society Days by Mr. Ignacio Packer, Terre des Hommes
- Official Dinner Address by H.E. Feridun Sinirlioğlu,Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs
Speeches - Day 2 - October 15
- GMG Statement
- Statement by Khandker Mohammad Iftekhar Haider, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Expatriates' Welfare and Overseas Employment, Bangladesh
- Statement by India
- Statement by the Holy See
- Reception Speech by Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister Naci Koru
Speeches - Day 3 - October 16
- Remarks by Julien Pellaux, Strategic Planning Adviser, UN Women
- Remarks by Sandra Polaski, Deputy Director General for Policy, ILO
Speeches - Closing Session
- Conclusions of the Turkish Chairmanship
- Closing Remarks by Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister Naci Koru
- Statement by Mr. Shahidul Haque, Foreign Secretary, Bangladesh
Common Space
- Common Space Agenda
- Keynote speech by Mari Kiviniemi, Deputy Secretary General of the OECD
- Report of Parallel Session 1: Partnerships and action for the protection of migrants in crises and in transit
- Report of Parallel Session 2: Partnerships and action for decent migrant labour recruitment and employment
- Report of Parallel Session 3: Beyond xenophobia and exclusion: local partnerships and action for the social inclusion of migrants and diaspora
High Level Statements
- Statement by China
- Statement by Romania
- Concluding remarks by Peter Sutherland (video)
Platform for Partnerships (PfP) Special Session
Presentation: OECD Development Center, UNDP, KNOMAD
Operationalising a dashboard of indicators for migration policy and institutional coherence for migration and development -
Presentation: IOM, UNDESA (GMG Data and Research Working Group)
GMG Migration and Development Data Handbook -
Presentation: International Labour Organization, KNOMAD
Reducing Labour Migration Costs and Development -
Presentation: The World Bank, KNOMAD
Low-skilled labor migration: Measuring Migration Costs -
Presentation: Thailand
Improving health insurance coverage and access to essential health care for migrants: Experiences from Thailand -
Presentation: UN Women
Gender Mainstreaming Migration and Development
Side Events
- Civil Society Days
- Schedule of GFMD Side Events
- Information about GFMD Side Events
- Agenda - Business Lunch
- Proposal on Future Public-Private Sector Interaction
- IOE-WEF GACM Proposal
- Africa-Europe GFMD Side Event [ EN | FR ]
- NANSEN Side Event
- OECD-AfD Side Event
- GFMD GMG GMC Side Event Note
- JMDI Side Event
- IOM - Gallup Side Event
- MICIC Overview
GFMD Meeting: