Vittoria Zanuso is the Executive Director of the Mayors Migration Council (MMC), a new global initiative supported by Open Society Foundations and the Government of Switzerland in partnership with C40 Cities. As the MMC’s Executive Director, Vittoria oversees the organization’s efforts to help cities influence international deliberations and ensure that migration and refugee policy both reflects and helps cities address realities on the ground. As chief executive of the MMC, Vittoria also seats in the Steering Committee of the The UN Start-Up Fund for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (or Migration MPTF).
Prior to joining the MMC, Vittoria held multiple positions at the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities initiative (100RC), liaising with mayors, senior officials and private sector leaders to address natural and human-made disasters, from climate change to rising global inequality. As a founding staff member of 100RC, Zanuso helped establish a network of 100 cities from the ground up and created the organization’s urban migration practice, leading advocacy campaigns and strategic partnerships with the International Rescue Committee, Brookings Institute, and NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, among others.
Prior to 100RC, Vittoria worked with the Carbon War Room, Richard Branson’s organization to tackle climate mitigation alongside the business sector. Vittoria began her career in the field of strategic communications, first at the Spokesperson’s Office of the Vice-President of the European Commission in Brussels and then on the Communications team of the Clinton Global Initiative in New York City.
Originally from Milan, Italy, Vittoria holds an MPA in International Policy and Management from NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service and a BA in Politics from Queen Mary University of London.