
Official Name: 
People's Republic of Bangladesh
ISO2 Code: 
ISO3 Code: 
24 00 N
90 00 E
POINT (90 24)
Attended Meeting: 
Financial Contribution: 

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation: 
  • Dr. Hamidur RASHID, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dhaka, Bangladesh was Chair/ Moderator in RT 1.3 : “The role of other-than government partners in governing the developmental contribution of temporary labor migration”
Attended Prep Meetings: 
Attended Summit: 
Financial Contribution: 

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation: 
  • Government Team member in RT 1.1: “Protecting the Rights of Migrants – A Shared Responsibility”.
  • Bangladesh was a Co- Chair in RT 2.1: “Fostering More Opportunities for Regular Migration”.
Attended Prep Meetings: 
Attended Summit: 
Financial Contribution: 

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation: 
  • Government Team member in RT 1.2: “Engaging diasporas and migrants in development policies and programs—Their role? their constraints?”
  • Bangladesh was a Co- Chair in RT 1.3: “Addressing the root causes of migration through development, specifically in light of the current global economic crisis”
Attended Summit: 
Financial Contribution: 

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation: 
  • Mr. Khandker Mosharraf Hossain, Minister of Labour and Manpower and Minister of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment, was a panelist during the first panel discussion of the Common Space “Improving public perceptions of migrants”.
  • Government Team member in RT 1.1: “Partnerships for more regular and protected migration”
  • Government Team member in RT 2.1: “Reducing the costs of migration and maximizing human development”
  • Bangladesh was a Co- Chair in RT 3.2: “Assessing the Relevance and Impact of Climate Change on Migration and Development”
  • Government Team member in RT 3.3: “How Can Regional Consultative Processes (RCPs) and Inter- Regional Fora (IRF) better include the Migration and Development Nexus”
Attended Prep Meetings: 
Attended Summit: 
Financial Contribution: 
  • Bangladesh has offered in- kind contributions to Switzerland in 2011. 
RT Participation: 
  • Member of the GFMD Assessment Team
  • Mrs. Nahida Sobhan, Minister at the Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the UN in Geneva, was Cluster Rapporteur for Cluster I: “Labour Mobility and Development”
  • Government Team member in RT 1.1: “Engaging the private sector in labour market planning”
  • Government Team member in RT 1.2: “Lowering the Cost of Migration”
  • Government Team member in RT 1.3: “Global care workers at the interface of migration and development”
  • Chair of the Thematic meeting 1.2: “Lowering Migration Costs in Collaboration with, and Developing a Model Bilateral Framework with Receiving Countries” (October 2011, Dhaka)
Attended Summit: 
Thematic Meetings: 
- Chair in Thematic Meeting on "Lowering Migration Costs in Collaboration with, and Developing a Model Bilateral Framework with Receiving Countries" on 3-4 October 2011 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Financial Contribution: 

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation: 
  • Member of the GFMD Assessment Team
  • Government Team member in RT 1.1: “Beyond- the- Border Skills and Jobs for Human development”
  • Mr. Shahidul Haque was a panelist in RT 1.1
  • Bangladesh was Co- Chair in RT 2.2: “ Addressing South-South Migration and Development Policies”
Attended Summit: 
Financial Contribution: 

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation: 
  • Mr. Riaz Hamidullah, Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was Speaker during the break-out session 1 “Situating migration and migrants in national and post-2015 international development agenda- partnering with the international development community, national policy makers and development, migrant and other civil society organizations”
  • Bangladesh was Co- chair in RT 1.2: “Framing migration for the MDGs and the Post- 2015 UN Development Agenda”.
  • Government Team member in RT 2.2: “Facilitating positive development impacts of diaspora engagement in skills transfer, investments and trade between countries of residence and origin”
  • Government Team member in RT 3.1: “Empowering migrants, their households and communities for improved protection of rights and social development outcomes”
Attended Summit: 
Thematic Meetings: 
- Attended Thematic Meeting on "Operationalizing Mainstreaming of Migration in Development Policy and Integrating Migration in the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda" on 22 May 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland - Attended Thematic Meeting on "Recruitment, labour migration and diaspora: Improving labour market complementarities and economic development outcomes" on 11 September 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland
Financial Contribution: 
  • USD 21.061 (August 2015) – Non earmarked 
RT Participation: 
  • Government Team member in RT 1.2: “Reducing the human and financial costs of international migration, labour migration: Cooperative approaches to fair recruitment practices and lower remittance fees”
  • Government Team member in RT 2.1: “Mainstreaming migration into planning at the sectoral level”
  • Co-Chair of RT 2.2; “Making migration work post-2015: Implementing the SDGs”
  • Government Team member in RT 3.1: “Enhancing human development and human security for forced migrants.” 
Attended Summit: 
Thematic Meetings: 
- Participated in Thematic Meeting on "Migration in the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda" on 5 February 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland. - Attended Thematic Meeting on "Recognizing the contributions of women migrants to economic and social development in countries of origin and destination and addressing their specific needs, particularly concerning respect for their human rights" on 8 September 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Financial Contribution: 
  • USD 194’979.32 (For the GFMD Summit)
  • USD 300’194.56 (For the GFMD Summit)
  • USD 148’506.93 (for the Support Unit) 
RT Participation: 
  • Bangladesh hosted the Ninth GFMD Summit Meeting from 10-12 December 2016 in Dhaka
Attended Summit: 
Thematic Meetings: 
- Attended the Thematic Workshop on "Migration, Connectivity and Business" on 29 March 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand. - Attended the GFMD Thematic Workshop on "Migration for Harmonious Societies" on 18 May 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland. - Attended the GFMD Thematic Workshop on "Migration for Peace, Stability and Growth" on 19 July 2016 in New York, United States.
Financial Contribution: 
  • Bangladesh contributed with left over from 2016.
RT Participation: 
  • Rapporteur in RT 1.1. “Tools and Safeguards for Policy Coherence – Finding the right policy mix to balance different interests and objectives”
  • Co-Chair of RT 1.2. “From Global Agenda to Implementation – National Action Plans for migration related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”
  • Government Team member in RT 2.1. “Moving beyond emergencies – Creating development solutions to the mutual benefit of host and origin communities and displaced persons”
  • Government Team member in RT 2.2. “Fostering the development impact of returning migrants”
  • Government Team member in RT 3.1. “Raising the Global Talent Pool – Harnessing the Potential of the Private Sector for Global Skills Partnerships”
  • Government Team member in RT 3.2. “Strengthening Cooperation – Enabling Civil Society Contributions in Migrant Integration” 
Attended Summit: 
Financial Contribution: 

Bangladesh contributed with left over from 2017. Additionally, Bangladesh contributed USD 24,569 with USD 5,000 earmarked for 2018 Civil Society Process.

RT Participation: 

Government Team Member in RT 3.1 "Aligning governance with contemporary drivers of migration"

Attended Summit: 
Thematic Meetings: 
Participated in the Thematic Workshop on "Migration for Development: a roadmap to achieving the SDGs"
Financial Contribution: 

USD 4,569

RT Participation: 

Government Team Member in RT 1.1 "Providing regular pathways from crisis to safety"

Government Team Member in RT 1.2 "Facilitating social and economic inclusion"

Attended Summit: 
Thematic Meetings: 
Participated in the Thematic Workshop on "Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration at the National Level"

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