
Lisa M. Smith, CEO of Glen Haven Manor, the third largest and one of a select few nationally accredited nursing homes in Nova Scotia, Canada champions the organization’s strategic priorities through visionary, progressive leadership, best practices, innovation and high energy. Ms. Smith has a proven track record and a wealth of management experience in the health and community services sector to her credit, combined with a Masters degree in Public Administration from Dalhousie University as well as Bachelor degrees in Business Administration and Social Work, from Mount St. Vincent and Dalhousie universities.

She is committed to ensuring Glen Haven Manor exceeds quality and safety expectations, always promoting the organization’s values and ethical standards with a strategic, goals oriented and interdisciplinary management style. Lisa is Past-Chair and one of the founders of the Community Governed Nursing Homes (Organizations) of Nova Scotia Society (CGO), recently renamed the Nursing Homes of Nova Scotia Association, is actively engaged with her health care peers across the province and has also served on the Canadian Seniors Council.  Lisa is known for her innovation and outstanding work ethic and recently led Glen Haven Manor to receive a Diversity in the Workplace Business Achievement Award from the Pictou County Chamber of Commerce in 2019 acknowledging Glen Haven’s ground breaking local and global recruitment strategies. Ms. Smith was a member of a Canadian Delegation participating in a Healthy Ageing Tour to Copenhagen, Denmark in October 2018 and subsequently presented at the Danish Designs and Innovations for Healthy Ageing Conference, hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and the Danish Trade Council in North America in Halifax, NS the following September.

Lisa also demonstrates enduring volunteer contributions to countless organizations. As a Rotarian, she aligns her values according to the 4 Way Test, relying on the motto ‘Service above Self’ as the foundation for all relationships, both personal and professional. Lisa is a recipient of the Rotary Paul Harris Fellow designation, a prestigious award presented to her by the New Glasgow Rotary Club in 2011, for making an outstanding contribution to her community by upholding the Rotary’s values of service to the highest standard as well as her exceptional leadership as a Rotarian.

Lisa considers it a distinct honour to lead such a remarkable organization as Glen Haven and is very grateful for so many extraordinary experiences and for such a skilled, compassionate and dedicated team

First Name: 
CEO, Glen Haven Manor, New Glasgow, Pictou County, Nova Scotia, Canada
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