
This Country Strategy Paper (CSP) presents the framework which will govern EU cooperation with Republic of Suriname for the period 2008-2013.
Suriname’s development strategy and policies are documented in the Multi-Annual Development Plan 2006-2011, its central objectives being growth and poverty reduction. Reform processes to achieve these goals are in place for the public sector, health, education, transport, justice and police, environment and agriculture.
The EC response strategy emanates from a consultative process among representatives of the Government of the Republic of Suriname, civil society and the private sector. This exchange identified the economic and social challenges facing the country, analysed the programmes being implemented by other development co-operation partners, and focused on areas of comparative advantage enjoyed by the EC in its assistance programmes in Suriname.
Under the 10th EDF, the EC will help work towards the Government’s development objectives, namely poverty reduction, a sustained income base and equitable access to services. The focal area of the EC Support Strategy for the Republic of Suriname will be the Transport Sector. Maintaining that as the focal sector for the 10th EDF builds on past experience, and complements the programmes of other development partners. As far as non-focal sectors are concerned, provision is made for a Technical Co-operation Facility to be used to facilitate and support the implementation of the CSP for Suriname.
The programmable funds of 19.8 million €, including an incentive tranche, are distributed as follows:
Focal Sector = 88.4% or EUR 17,500,000
Non-Focal Area = 11.6% or EUR 2,300,000
Grand Total = 100% or EUR 19,800,000
- Americas
- Suriname