
The Islamic Republic of Mauritania is a Sahel-Saharan country in West Africa with an area of 1 030 000 km² and 700 km of Atlantic coastline. It has a population of 2.7 million (projection based on the census in 2000). Its main resources are fishing, iron and more recently oil and gas. In 2005 a military coup brought to an end twenty years of authoritarian rule and, at the end of the electoral process of 2006–2007, ensured a move towards democracy. Following the revision of macroeconomic data under the transitional regime, the IMF supports the implementation of a sound macroeconomic policy in line with the new Poverty Reduction Strategy Programme (PRSP II 2006-2010). The 10th EDF, whose initial envelope A totals €156 million, forms part of this global context. The first focal sector, governance (€47m), provides support for decentralisation, modernisation of the State and stronger citizen involvement, which are necessary to establish sound governance and to improve the effectiveness of the fight against poverty. The second focal sector – regional integration and transport (€56m) – includes contributions both to improving road infrastructure and to continuing the road transport reform started under the 8th and 9th EDF. A general budget support of €40m for the poverty alleviation policy is also planned, as are activities outside the focal sectors (€13m).

Region / Country: 
  • Africa
  • Mauritania
Number of Pages: 
Electronic copy
Partner Organization: 
European Commission (EC)
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