Democratic Republic of the Congo

In view of the requirement to combat poverty set out in the Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper and in the light of the Government's programme, both of which are included as objectives in the plan of priority actions presented in June 2007, and in line with the recommendations of the European Consensus on Development, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has opted to channel the indicative amount of €514 million allocated under the 10th EDF A-envelope to the following three priority areas:

  1. governance;
  2. transport infrastructure;
  3. health.

Initiatives in non-priority areas will supplement the priority initiatives in a number of areas, in particular the environment and support for regional integration.

Despite recent progress in the management of public finances and in drawing up various sectoral strategies, the programming of the 10th EDF does not initially envisage earmarking specific funding for budgetary support. However, the EU/Democratic Republic of the Congo cooperation may, if the situation so requires, use sectoral approaches and other harmonised financing mechanisms already in place or in the process of being established.

EC cooperation comes under support for the Government's programme, implementation of which has been undertaken. This strategic support for the national strategy is granted in synergy with support from other cooperation partners and organisations, in line with the recommendations of the Paris Declaration of March 2005 on the effectiveness of development aid. Acting in accordance with its mandate under the Cotonou Agreement and coordinating its efforts with action taken under the EDF, the EIB will continue its involvement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in various economic sectors by funding private-sector investments and supporting major infrastructure projects that will generate the revenue needed for economic development.

As far as possible, the planned actions will generally be taken in association with the non-state players concerned. They will take into account issues of good governance, gender, the environment and individual rights.

Region / Country: 
  • Africa
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
Number of Pages: 
Electronic copy
Partner Organization: 
European Commission (EC)
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