In view of the fact that the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) requires Cameroon to combat poverty and in accordance with the recommendations of the European Consensus on Development, Cameroon has opted to channel the indicative amount of EUR 239 million allocated under the 10th EDF A-envelope to two priority areas:
- Governance, with a particular focus on measures in the fields of justice, public finance, forestry resources and elections;
- Trade and regional integration, focusing both on improving competitiveness and supporting the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) by increasing export and production capacity and on improving road infrastructure to support the productive and social sectors.
Initiatives in non-priority areas will focus on:
- Supporting rural development and decentralisation,
- Supporting non-state actors,
- Supporting the EDF National Authorising Officer,
- A technical cooperation facility.
There are no plans for specific funding to be earmarked for general or sectoral budgetary support during the initial phase of the programme. However, if it is felt that the PRSP has been implemented satisfactorily, the macroeconomic framework is suitable and the reforms initiated in the fields of public finance and general governance make it possible to use budgetary support, the focus of the programme can be shifted towards sectoral or even general budgetary support.
Eligibility for budgetary support (in terms of public finance) should be evaluated on the basis of an assessment of the progress made in terms of both the way the public financial management system is performing and the reform process. If real progress has been made in these areas, targeted sectoral budgetary support can already be envisaged to support public finance reforms and promote forest management and sustainable management of natural resources.
These measures are all an integral part of the national strategy already being implemented by the government. Together with the aid provided by other donors and cooperation organisations, EU aid under the 10th EDF is one of the schemes supporting the national strategy in line with the recommendations of the Paris Declaration of May 2005 on aid effectiveness. Acting in accordance with its mandate under the Cotonou Partnership Agreement and coordinating its efforts with action taken under the EDF, the EIB will continue its involvement in Cameroon in various economic sectors by funding private-sector investment projects and supporting major infrastructure projects that will generate the revenue needed for economic development.
At all stages, all initiatives will involve the active participation of non-state actors, adopting a dynamic combination of approaches based on good governance, gender equality, environmental considerations and human rights.
- Africa
- Cameroon