
Prepared with support from the Sasakawa Endowment Fund, the Migration Profile of Argentina is part of a series of country profiles, namely of Argentina, Colombia and Ecuador, produced and published in Latin America. The series aims to bridge the information gap and thereby contribute to enhanced policy making and improved management of migration issues in the region.
The Migration Profile of Argentina explores recent migration trends and patterns in the country, with a view to helping governments, organizations and individuals understand the phenomenon of human mobility and its deep and long-lasting impact on the demographic, social and economic structure of a nation. The report presents data on immigration and emigration; irregular migration; labour-market conditions; skills shortages; trafficking in persons; diasporas and remittances; and migration-related treaties and policies, among others.
Argentina today is a culturally rich and diverse nation, thanks to migration movements that continue to lend colour and character to its social fabric. Migrants from Europe, as well as those from other Latin American countries, began flocking to Argentina in 1850. Since then, migration movements have ebbed and flowed, but recent years point to a resurgent tide of migration activity to and from Argentina. The Migration Profile of Argentina, therefore, is a timely and welcome addition to a growing body of work that addresses what may well be one of the most defining and challenging issues of this century.
- Americas
- Argentina