Report of proceedings
Excerpt from SRSG Peter Sutherland Report
Opening Ceremony, Ninth GFMD Summit
- Report on GFMD 2016 Civil Society by Mr. Colin Rajah, Chair of Ninth GFMD Civil Society Days
- Report on GFMD Business Mechanism by Ms. Linda Kromjong, Secretary-General, International Organization for Employers (IOE)
- Remarks by Mr. Francois Fouinat, Senior Adviser of the SRSG
- Remarks by Ms. Lakshmi Puri, GMG Chair
- Remarks by H.E. Guy Ryder, Director General, International Labour Organization
- Speech by H.E. William Lacy Swing, Director General, International Organization for Migration
- Speech by H.E. Wu Hongbo, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs
- Inaugural Address by H. E. Sheikh Hasina, Hon. Prime Minister of Bangladesh
GFMD 2016 Common Space
- Programme GFMD 2016 Common Space
- GFMD 2016 Common Space concept and questions
- Keynote address by Justin Macdermott, Adviser to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration
- The Sutherland Report Abridged Executive Summary
- Statement by Ms. Linda Kromjong, Secretary-General, International Organization for Employers (IOE)
Breakout Session 1: Cooperation in Global Governance
Breakout Session 2: Cooperation in Global Governance
Roundtable Sessions
Reports on the Roundtables
- Report by the General Rapporteur of RT 1 - Ms. Daniela Morari, Deputy Minister, Republic of Moldova
- Report by the General Rapporteur of RT 2 - Mr. Arturo Cabrera, Former Deputy Minister for Migration, Ecuador
- Report by the General Rapporteur of RT 3 - Mr. Michel Latschenko, Special Envoy for Migration and Asylum, Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Belgium
- RT 1.2 - Connectivity and migration, presentation by Mr. David Khoudour, OECD Development Centre
- RT 1.2 - The impact of migrant connectivity on development, presentation by Mr. Pedro de Vasconcelos, IFAD
Meeting between Business - Civil Society - Governments
- Summary Report - Role of Business in achieving orderly and responsible migration, particularly in view of the Global Compact on Migration
- Business Mechanism endorsed as a permanent feature of GFMD
- GFMD 2016 Business Meeting - Concept Note
- Agenda GFMD Business Mechanism meeting, 11 December Dhaka
- Speakers, Biographies, GFMD Business Meeting
- Business Mechanism’s Position Paper and Recommendations
Special Sessions
Special Session on the Future of the Forum (for Heads of Delegation only)
- Provisional Agenda - Future of the Forum
- Statement by Mr. El Habib Nadir - incoming GFMD 2017-2018 Co-Chair, Morocco | in French
- Report from the Ad Hoc WG on the 2030 Agenda
- Report from the Ad Hoc Working Group on Communication
Platform for Partnerships
- Provisional Agenda - Platform for Partnerships
- Interrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development - Presentation by Mr. David Khoudour, OECD Development Centre
- The migration governance framework - Presentation by Mr. Maurizio Busatti, IOM
- Reducing Recruitment Costs - Presentation by Mr. Dilip Ratha, World Bank and Ms. Michelle Leighton, ILO
Closing Session
- Report on the Future of the Forum Special Session
- Statement by Mr. Markus Ederer, State Secretary, Federal Foreign Office of Germany - incoming GFMD 2017-2018 Co-Chair
- Statement by Mr. El Habib Nadir, Secretary General, Ministry in charge of Moroccans living abroad and migration affairs - incoming GFMD 2017-2018 Co-Chair | in English
Side Events
GFMD Meeting: