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Thematic Meeting on Facilitating South-South Labour Migration (16-18 Oct 2011, Abuja)
Thematic Meeting on Facilitating South-South Labour Migration (16-18 Oct 2011, Abuja)
Thematic Meeting on Facilitating South-South Labour Migration (16-18 Oct 2011, Abuja)
Thematic Meeting on Facilitating South-South Labour Migration (16-18 Oct 2011, Abuja)
2nd Meeting of the Steering Group Meeting (18 Apr 2011, Geneva)
1st Meeting of the Steering Group Meeting (8 Feb 2011, Geneva)
1st Meeting of the Friends of the Forum (15 Mar 2011, Geneva)
Peter Maurer, Secretary of State, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland
William Gois, Regional Coordinator of the Migrant Forum in Asia
Simonetta Sommaruga, Head of the Federal Department of Justice and Police, Switzerland
Eduard Gnesa, Special Ambassador for international Cooperation in Migration Issues, Switzerland
Switzerland GFMD 2011 Concluding Debate (1-2 December 2012)
Switzerland GFMD 2011 Concluding Debate (1-2 December 2012)
Switzerland GFMD 2011 Concluding Debate (1-2 December 2012)