Documents Library

Ad hoc GFMD Thematic Meeting on The Mediterranean Crisis in a Global Context: A New Look at Migration & Development Approaches (15 July 2015, Brussels)
Ad hoc GFMD Thematic Meeting on The Mediterranean Crisis in a Global Context: A New Look at Migration & Development Approaches (15 July 2015, Brussels)
GFMD Side Event on the margins of the High-level Political Forum (01 Jul 2015, New York)
GFMD Side Event on the margins of the High-level Political Forum (01 Jul 2015, New York)
GFMD Side Event on the margins of the High-level Political Forum (01 Jul 2015, New York)
GFMD Side Event on the margins of the High-level Political Forum (01 Jul 2015, New York)
GFMD Side Event on the margins of the High-level Political Forum (01 Jul 2015, New York)
GFMD Side Event on the margins of the High-level Political Forum (01 Jul 2015, New York)
GFMD Side Event on the margins of the High-level Political Forum (01 Jul 2015, New York)
GFMD Side Event on the margins of the High-level Political Forum (01 Jul 2015, New York)
GFMD Side Event on the margins of the High-level Political Forum (01 Jul 2015, New York)
GFMD Business Meeting: Are businesses fit to compete in the global competition for skills? (15-16 May 2015, Istanbul)
GFMD Business Meeting: Are businesses fit to compete in the global competition for skills? (15-16 May 2015, Istanbul)
GFMD Business Meeting: Are businesses fit to compete in the global competition for skills? (15-16 May 2015, Istanbul)
4th Meeting of the GFMD Steering Group (28 Apr 2015, Geneva)
GFMD Side Event on the margins of the High-level Political Forum (01 Jul 2015, New York)
GFMD Side Event on the margins of the High-level Political Forum (01 Jul 2015, New York)
International Organization for Migration
GFMD-GMG Side Event with the G-20 Development Working Group Meeting (3 Jun 2015, İzmir)
4th Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum (28 Apr 2015, Geneva)
GFMD-GMG Side Event with the G-20 Development Working Group Meeting (3 Jun 2015, İzmir)
GFMD-GMG Side Event with the G-20 Development Working Group Meeting (3 Jun 2015, İzmir)
GFMD-GMG Side Event with the G-20 Development Working Group Meeting (3 Jun 2015, İzmir)
Thematic Meeting 2 on the Role of Communications (29 Apr 2015, Geneva)