Global Migration Group:
- ECLAC: Fact-Sheet on the Economic Crisis and Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean
- ESCAP: Fact-Sheet on the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Migration in Asia-Pacific
- ESCWA: Fact-Sheet on the Economic Crisis and International Migration in the Arab Region
- ILO: Fact-Sheet on the Economic Crisis and Migrant Workers: Regional Differences
- ILO: Fact-Sheet on the Economic Crisis, Labour Migration and Migrant Employment
- ILO: Fact-Sheet on the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Immigration Policies
- IOM: Fact-Sheet on Migrant Integration
- IOM: Fact-Sheet on the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Return Migration
- OHCHR: Fact-Sheet on the Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Human Rights of Migrants
- UNCTAD: Contribution of Migrants to Development: Trade, Investment and Development Linkages
- UNDP: Human Development Report 2009
- UNESCO: Fact-Sheet on the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Discrimination and Xenophobia
- UNFPA: Fact-Sheet on the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Female Migration
- UNICEF: Fact-Sheet on the Economic Crisis and Migration, Remittances and Children Left Behind
- UNICEF: Fact-Sheet on the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Migration and Children’s Rights
- UNODC: Fact-Sheet on the Economic Crisis, Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants
- World Bank: Migration and Remittance Trends 2009
Contribution from the GFMD ad-hoc Working Group on Protecting and Empowering Migrants for Development:
- IOM: Migrant Resource Centres: Examining Global Good Practices in Providing Services to Empower Migrants for Development and Protection
- Philip Martin: Reducing the Cost Burden for Migrant Workers: A Market-based Approach
- Willoughby, Henderson: Preparing Contract Workers for Return and Reintegration – Relevant for Development?
Other Supporting Documents for the Roundtable Sessions:
- Center for Global Development: Migrants Count: Five Steps Toward Better Migration Data
- Handbook on How to Implement a One-Stop-Shop for Immigrant Integration [ FR | ES ]
- Informal Inquiry on Policy and Institutional Coherence, Data and Research
- MIDSA Workshop: Conclusions and Recommendations, South Africa, 21-23 September 2009
- Migrações Journal: Immigrant Entrepreneurship
- Prof. Randall Hansen: An Assessment of the Principal Regional Consultative Processes on Migration
- Report of the International Meeting on Diasporas' Contributions and Knowledge Transference, Mexico, 31 August 2009
- Summary Report of the Global Meeting of Chairs and Secretariats of RCPs, Bangkok, 4-5 June 2009
- Vienna Informal Expert Group Meeting: Final Narrative Report
- Vienna Informal Expert Group Meeting, Conclusions
Contribution from the ACP Secretariat:
GFMD Meeting: