Latin America in the spotlight – in search of better migration governance and increased cooperation
Organizers: Ecuador, Colombia, El Salvador, Mexico, ICMPD, and UNDP
Organizers: Ecuador, Colombia, El Salvador, Mexico, ICMPD, and UNDP
Organizers: The United Arab Emirates
Organizers: France, PDD, RCM, SACM, CMC, IOM, UNHCR, IFRC
Organizers: UN Women, EVAM, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, PICUM, NCIE – CNII
Organizers: IDC and UNICEF
Organizers: Viceministry of Human Mobility, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility of Ecuador
Organizers: The World Bank, KNOMAD, FFLA, RECID
Organizers: UN-Habitat Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
Organizers: Oxfam, Women in Migration Network, and UN Women
Organizers: ILO and IOM
Organizers: Red CIPRI, Presidencia del FGMD 2019, UNITAR
GFMD Side Event at the 2019 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF)
“GFMD Perspective on Empowering People and
Ensuring Inclusiveness and Equality”
13h15 to 14h30, Conference Room 12, UNHQ, New York
Side Event 12
Safe and Dignified Return and the Economic, Social and Developmental Impact of Sustainable Reintegration
Egypt, League of Arab States, IOM
Side Event 11
From Brain Drain to Brain Gain – A Compact for Skills Partnership and Mobility
Organized by Bertelsmann Foundation, German-Moroccan Network of Competencies (DMK e.V.)
Side Event 10
Tapping into the development potential of migrants in developing countries
OECD - Development Centre, European Commission (tbc), ILO (tbc)
Side Event 9
Education and Migration, issues and challenges for Morocco
Center for Studies and research in social sciences - Morocco
Side Event 8
Migration Policies in Morocco and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration