
Natalia Banulescu-Bogdan is Associate Director of MPI’s International Program and a Nonresident Fellow with MPI Europe. Her areas of expertise include social cohesion and identity, values and civic engagement, and the intersection of nationalism and migration.

Since she joined MPI in 2008, Ms. Banulescu-Bogdan has primarily worked with MPI’s flagship initiative, the Transatlantic Council on Migration, through which she has helped advise participating governments on various aspects of migration management. This has included technical support to countries holding the rotating presidency of the European Union, support to the annual Global Forum on Migration and Development, and private briefings and memos to help countries think through changes to migration-related legislation.

Prior to joining MPI in 2008, she worked at the Brookings Institution, helping to develop public policy seminars for senior government officials in the Institution’s executive education program.

Ms. Banulescu-Bogdan obtained her master’s in nationalism studies from the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. Her master’s thesis focused on the political mobilization of Roma in Romania. She received her Bachelor of the Arts degree from the University of Pennsylvania in international relations.

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Associate Director, Migration Policy Institute
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