Farhat Ayesha is Rapporteur of Round Table 1.2 of Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) during Quito Summit 2020. She is serving as Counsellor in Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations in Geneva.
Farhat’s expertise includes; human rights, humanitarian issues, sustainable development and peace and security. Her recent focus is on humanitarian issues of refugees, migrants, emergency humanitarian assistance, disasters, International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and organizations such as; UNHCR, UNDRR, ICRC, IFRC, OCHA, IOM and GFMD.
She had served as Director (Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad. She had also served in Consulate General of Pakistan in Shanghai (China), High Commission of Pakistan Singapore, Embassy of Pakistan Abu Dhabi (UAE) and Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations in New York (USA).
Farhat has represented Pakistan at numerous multilateral fora: UN General Assembly (2nd & 3rd Committees), ECOSOC, NAM, Treaty bodies, Governing bodies of IOM, UNHCR, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNDRR and many intergovernmental conferences.
She has served as Rapporteur of the Executive Committee of the UNHCR during its 70th Session (October 2018 to October 2019). She also served as Vice Chair in the Bureau of International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in 2010-11.
She holds a Masters degree in English Literature. She has undertaken courses in International Law and Diplomatic Practice, drafting of Resolutions, Deposit and Registration of Treaties, Disaster Management, Human Rights and Civilian Staff Officers Course.
She is married, having one son.