More than 25 years of professional experience managing people and projects, on sustainable development issues (transport, energy, environment, climate) and on humanitarian issues, at national and European level (institutional reforms/governance), at global level on international agendas (2030 agenda, climate & Paris Agreement, disaster risk reduction, migrations) with more than 15 years at managerial level in the international field.
With 3 Master's degrees (Civil Engineering, Economics & MBA), I have built up a strong expertise in project management, on "sustainable development" issues. Broad approach includes technical, economic, environmental and social aspects, paving the path towards a low emission economy by taking into account public policies, institutional reforms, with a focus on the technologies of the future and on steps aiming at establishing a stable investment climate for private sector.
Particularly involved in the international field, adding international & geopolitical dimensions, I have been working in diversified institutional environments (Public & private sectors, WB, UN, EC, NGOs). With 15 years at managerial level, leading international & multicultural teams, I completed extensive infrastructure projects, tackled various institutional reforms dealing with public policies, conducted project evaluations, realized post-conflict missions, with knowledge of procurement rules (WB certif). I also experienced 7 years in the private sector.