Final Preparatory meetings of Bangladesh GFMD Chairmanship - 20th October
Conference Documents
Final Preparatory meetings of Bangladesh GFMD Chairmanship
9.00 to 13.30, ILO Building, Geneva
Conference Documents - Final GFMD 2016 Meeting of the Steering Group
10.00 to 13.00, ILO Building, Geneva
Conference Documents - Final GFMD 2016 Meeting of the Friends of the Forum
14.30 to 17.30, ILO Building, Geneva
- Provisional Agenda 3rd GFMD 2016 Meeting of Friends of the Forum
- GFMD 2016 request for Side Events
- GFMD Communications Survey Outcomes
- Annex 1 - Terms of Reference ad hoc WG on Communications
- Annex 2 - CR Kommunikation profile
- Annex 3 - List of participating governments
- Annex 4 - Questionnaire
- GFMD Business Mechanism at a glance
- Summary Report GFMD BM_Thematic Meeting (July, New York)
- Report of Civil Society Activities - ICMC
- Identifying good practices, promising policy initiatives and case studies to support the Ninth GFMD 2016
Final Preparatory Meetings of the GFMD 2016 Government-led Roundtable Teams - 21 October
9.00 to 13.30, WCC - Ecumenical Centre Building
Second Preparatory Meetings of the Steering Group and the Friends of the Forum - 17th to 19th May
- Provisional Agenda 2nd GFMD 2016 Meeting of the Steering Group Members
- Provisional Agenda 2nd GFMD 2016 Meeting of the Friends of the Forum
- GFMD 2016 Concept Paper (30 March)
- Schedule - 2nd GFMD 2016 Roundtable Sessions Preparatory Meetings Updated 16 May
- Practical Note - Thematic Workshop on Migration for Harmonious Societies
- Floor Plan ILO Building (English)
- Floor Plan ILO Building (French)
First Preparatory Meetings of the Steering Group and the Friends of the Forum - 4-5 February 2016
1st Meeting of the GFMD Steering Group
La Salle XI, R2 South, ILO Building, Geneva
1st Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum
Salle II, R3 South, ILO Building, Geneva
- Provisional Agenda 1st GFMD 2016 Meeting of Friends of the Forum
- Report of the GFMD 2014-2015 Turkish Chairmanship [ES] [FR]
- Report of the GFMD 2014-2015 Turkish Chairmanship [ES] [FR]
- GFMD 2016 - Report of Civil Society Activities
- Concept Note UN Women GMG Chair
First Roundtable Preparatory Meetings
Salle III, IV, VII, ILO Building, Geneva
GFMD Meeting: